It’s time for Show Us Your Books with Steph and Jana!
Digging Deep by Jay Hogan
Review by Lauren
Source: copy from Dreamspinner Press; all opinions are my own
Full Summary on Goodreads
Review: Digging Deep is an m/m romance but it’s more than that too. The relationship between Drake and Caleb doesn’t come easy, but they also have other things in their lives that they have to contend with. Drake is a midwife and Caleb is a detective; both of them work in the field of helping people and it’s not always pretty. One of the things that I loved about this book is that Drake has Crohn’s disease, which I’d never read about in a book before – though I know of it because a friend has Crohn’s. I myself deal with IBS, and like that, Crohn’s doesn’t affect every single person the same way. Most of the time Drake is okay, but when it hits, it sometimes hits hard. I really appreciated the author’s work in trying to accurately portray Crohn’s. The summary on Goodreads says this is the first Digging Deep story, so I’ll be curious to see what comes next!
Arctic Heat by Annabeth Albert
Review by Lauren
Source: copy from Netgalley; all opinions are my own
Full Summary on Goodreads
Review: Arctic Heat is the third, and I believe the final book, in the Frozen Hearts series. This series by Albert was a bit hit or miss for me, though I definitely liked all of them to some degree. I gave Arctic Heat four stars, so it ended on a high note for me. This book is about Owen Han, a cancer survivor, who volunteers for the winter in Alaska. He meets Ranger Quill Ramsey and the two end up being roommates for months. They have a bit of a rough beginning, but Quill soon thaws to Owen and they become closer and closer. While there were plenty of times I wanted to shake Quill and tell him to open his eyes, I could still understand why he was tentative when it came to romance. Albert is an author I love, so I’ll read just about anything she writes, and I thought Arctic Heat was really well done.
Lucky Break by A.M. Arthur
Review by Lauren
Source: copy from Netgalley; all opinions are my own
Official Summary on Goodreads
Review: Lucky Break is the fourth book in the Clean Slate Ranch series. I’ve loved the majority of these books, and this is no exception. I’m really glad that Arthur decided to continue with this series past the initial three books which focus on a group of friends and their relationships. I loved the burgeoning relationship between Shawn and Robin, though it starts off on a rocky foot. For those that don’t like a ton of relationship drama, you’re in luck, because while Shawn and Robin definitely have things they need to talk about throughout, they don’t push each other to reveal secrets or cause unnecessary drama. Shawn, in particular, has worries about his relationship with Robin, but he talks it out with friends instead of blowing up at Robin, and I liked that. It felt realistic, and it also brings in a lot of the characters from previous books in the series! Both Robin and Shawn have a lot of baggage in their past, and they are slowly unpacking it through the book. I think Arthur did a great job not overwhelming the reader with everything at once, as well as making it fit the trajectory of their relationship.
And some other book reviews I’ve posted between the last Show Us Your Books and today!
The Forest City Killer: A Serial Murderer, a Cold-Case Sleuth, and a Search for Justice by Vanessa Brown
This Is Not That Kind of Book by Christopher Healy, illustrated by Ben Mantle
A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
Anything catch your eye? Have you read any of these?
Looks like you read a good selection of books!
You read a lot of books so far this month! I am just excited I was able to read 3, it’s been a long dry spell before that. Keep reading and sharing with us!
a madness so discreet has been on my list for, like, 10 years. haha. or whenever it came out, like you did. maybe i’ll suggest it for book club so i can finally read it lol
Definitely adding Digging Deep to my TBR!
I like serial killer fiction better than non but The Forest City Killer sounds interesting.
Did you get a new header? I like it.
Yes, Kelly from Diva Book Nerd made it for me and I love it!
I really need new book suggestions because the book I’m reading, I’m totally stuck on. I just can’t get past it. I think I’m going to have to close it up and call it and start on something new. Thanks for these suggestions!!! I always know where to look for good books!
The Forest City Killer sounds interesting!
what a variety! I hope you enjoy all of them
Some good reads for you this month. I feel like A Madness So Discrete has crossed my path before but I don’t think I’ve ever read it. Glad you enjoyed most of these!
I love some true crime nonfiction. Like, A LOT.
So many romances this month! I think I’d like The Forest City Killer. Apparently I’m not into non-fiction unless it involves celebrity memoirs or serial killers LOL!
It looks like you read a lot of series books this month. I try to stay away from series – too much pressure to try to finish them all!
Bought This Is Not That Kind Of Book on your recommendation. Love! Now planning to write a lesson plan around it. Thanks!
This monthly link up is just awesome because I just love seeing what everyone is reading!
And thank you for saying when a book is part of a series. Do you know how many times I start a book and then realise it is part of a trilogy and I’ve missed the first one.
I think I started reading A Madness So Discreet a couple years ago but never finished. I hope you enjoy it though!
Glad your reviews above were mostly good. I think I commented on the Mindy McGinnis one when you posted it. It’s one I still want to read. Thanks for sharing!
So many good books! The cover of Arctic Heat is making me want to find some cute lodge in a snowy mountain range and book a trip. 🙂
I haven’t read any of these, but I hope you enjoye(d) them!
A Madness so Discreet was such a bizarre book! I like the cover for This is Not that Kind of Book. Looks fun!
Digging Deep sounds like my kind of book! I love m/m new adult romances, but I especially love when they deal with some deeper themes as well on the side, so it becomes more than a romance 🙂 Loved this!
Olivia-S @ Olivia’s Catastrophe
I’m a little sad Arctic Heat didn’t work for me. The only book of Annabeth Albert that I didn’t like.
A few great choices there for sure. My books this month have been all suspense, but I have thrown in some cookbooks and Christmas stories too for good measure, along with all the Christmas shows on Netflix. (lol) Hugs, RO
I read Arctic Wild, the second book in Albert’s series and I think I gave it 3.5 stars. It was good and I enjoyed it but it didn’t make a big impact and wasn’t particularly memorable. Glad to see the series ended on a high note!
I liked Arctic Heat too but the rest are all new to me.
Karen @ For What It’s worth
You always read the best books!! Added quite a few of these to my Goodreads list. Thanks, Lauren!!
These are all new to me, I love learning about new-to-me reads! I’ve gotten out of the habit of joining Show Us Your Books, I need to get back to it 🙂
I think you’re in for some good reading!
Sounds like you’ve read some pretty good books recently. Digging Deep sounds especially good.
I recently purchased A Madness So Discreet, but haven’t had a chance to read it yet!
Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ?
I’m glad you enjoyed all these books, Lauren! It reminds me that I haven’t read a romance in a really long time, haha. I want to get back to reading it every so often as it’s a nice break from reading YA all the time. I can’t remember if I have recommended it to you before but I do think you would like Criminal Intentions by Cole McCade! It’s a queer detective series and it has equal parts romance and awesome crime stories.
All of these are new to me! I hope you enjoy!
I like the cover for Madness So Discreet!
I’ve heard great things about Mindy McGinnis! 🙂 XO – Alexandra
Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things