Keep It Together: Plan Your Reading Life With Etsy

Posted February 18, 2021 by shooting in Planning / 20 Comments

It’s somehow the third Thursday of the month already and that means Keep It Together,  a monthly link up all about planning and memory keeping. Be sure to visit my co-hosts Alexandra and Rebecca Jo.

I don’t have any of my own planner things to share today so I thought I would show off some bookish planner-related Etsy finds that are most definitely on my wish list! Maybe you’ll find something to help you plan your reading life too!

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Keep It Together: Plan Your Reading Life With Etsy

I love stickers, so you’re bound to see a few on this list. These are some cute Book Quote Stickers that I could easily see myself using all the time!

These Bookish Spring Planner Stickers are from the same shop as the ones above. They have a lot of fun reading themed stickers. I figured I’d show off the spring though since it’s almost that time!

I could really use a Book Review Journal. This way I could write down my thoughts as I’m reading or right after, since I don’t always type them up right away. I often forget things that I would have wanted to share, so I need to do something to remember all these books!

How fun is this Book Lover’s Bucket List stickers?? I would love to keep track of these with cute little stickers!! This would be an especially good idea for someone who doesn’t read hundreds of books in a year!

I’m someone who often forgets when books are being released, so these New Book Release stickers are adorable. They’re simple but oh so handy if your memory is like mine…or you know, you just want too many books!

I’m in a monthly book club with friends so this Book Club Reading Log would be handy to keep track of the books we read and what I thought. I love how the inside is set up so you can just fill in the information about the book and write down some quick thoughts.

Here’s another Book Review Journal that I really love. There are a few color options and you can add a name to the cover if you wish. It even has room for up to 100 book reviews, so that’s pretty awesome!

And that is it for me today! Do you like anything from today’s post? Do you use planner supplies for bookish activities and logs? 

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20 responses to “Keep It Together: Plan Your Reading Life With Etsy

  1. I recently turned my new notebook into a review notebook so I don’t have to worry about drafting a review straight away or forgetting the key things I want to say when I finally get around to properly writing a review. I could spend a fortune on book-related stuffs…

  2. These are all such fun ways to jazz up a reading journal or even create one! I just use my bullet journal for book tracking, but the stickers would be such a fun way to make it look prettier!

  3. Genius…a book journal!! I listen to a lot of my books, often while driving so it is hard to bookmark a meaningful passage and keep the car on the road at the same time. But if I don’t take notes, I will forget almost instantly what I’ve read. Great great idea. Love the stickers, too. Thinking I need a little bit of everything in this post.

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