Keep It Together (Apr. 2021): My Book Review Journal

Posted April 15, 2021 by shooting in Planning / 21 Comments

Keep It Together: April 2021

April 1 was on a Thursday which means that it’s already the third Thursday of the month and time for Keep It Together. This is a monthly link-up all about planners, scrapbooks, and anything else related to memory keeping. Feel free to link up with myself, Alexandra, and Rebecca Jo at the bottom of this post.

My New Book Review Journal

Back in February, I shared a post called Plan Your Reading Life With Etsy and on there, I included a couple of book review journals that I was thinking of getting. I ended up going with the one from Erica Gelabert Designs. She has a variety of fun cover designs so I do recommend looking around.


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I really loved that this book review journal includes room for 100 books. I tend to read a bit more than that in a year, but I’m not using the book to review every single book I read. I’m focusing more on the ones that I want to remember – or the ones that I need to review for the blog. I’m not great at writing reviews on my blog as soon as I read something, and that can lead to me forgetting things I wanted to discuss. I’ve so far written four reviews in the journal, so it’s going well. I’m sure I’ll start showing photos of these reviews written out on Instagram and maybe even on the blog but I don’t have any to share at the moment.

With my carpal tunnel release, I haven’t been able to really use it lately since I can type a bit better than I can write (my surgery was on the hand I write with) but hopefully I can get back to it soon since I have at least one book I’d like to write some thoughts on.

Do you use a book review journal? Would you? 

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21 responses to “Keep It Together (Apr. 2021): My Book Review Journal

  1. What a great idea! I love how pretty it is too 🙂 I tried to keep a book journal but I haven’t been great about actually writing down my thoughts on paper–since I share reviews on the blog and instagram it seems like overkill for me to write them out too. But I do love tracking my books in my bullet journal.

  2. I love this idea! I’d definitely use something like this. Right now, I have many journals going but not a book review one. I will definitely add that to my wish list. I try to review books on GoodReads right after I finish them. I only select the odd one to post at my blog though. 🙂 You are such an incredible reader, Lauren. I think you’ll love the journal more once your hand heals.

    Lisa Thomson recently posted: Covid Got Me
  3. Okay this is awesome! At first I was thinking “meh but will I use it?” but you SOLD me when you reminded me that I too never review a book right after I read it- but I always have thoughts that I should have written down somewhere! So yeah, I think I very much need this in my life!

  4. I should use something like this. the closest I get right now is when I do my updates on Goodreads as I’m reading and make a note of something. I remember when I first started blogging I put post it notes in my books on pages I wanted to remember something about. That doesn’t work as well with ebooks even though I know there are ways to do it, I don’t see little post-its sticking out reminding me to go back and check them. Hope you’re enjoying this one!

    Lisa Mandina (Lissa Loves Literature recently posted: Blog Tour Review: Earn Your Extra Credit by Meghan Quinn
  5. Sorry you are not able to funny enjoy your new journal. I hope you can soon. I don’t use a journal. I usually write my reviews right away (though I am behind right now), and I read on Kindle and take notes there.

  6. I don’t have a pretty journal like this but I do have a notebook where I jot down some thoughts right after I finish a book since I don’t write reviews write away. I hope your hand fully recovers soon so that you can more fully enjoy this book.

  7. I started a book review journal this year! Mostly for me to scribble thoughts, impressions, feelings or quotes from my current read so when I finally get around to writing a review I’m not completely working from memory. I have no idea if it works in practice though as so far all I have is my book and I haven’t actually tried to write up any of those notes into an actual review! lol

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