September 2021: Currently + Local Tourist Link-Up

Posted September 1, 2021 by shooting in Discussion / 14 Comments

I’m joining Anne from In Residence today for her monthly “Currently” link up. I’m also sharing the linky for Local Tourist, which is a monthly link up I do with Dara from Not In Jersey. I’m so behind on things lately – I was supposed to share my August local adventures yesterday. I don’t know if I’ll have a full post or not – so the linky is at the bottom of this one in case you want to share yours!

Currently: September 2021

Beginning: to plan my next Favorite Things party. I held one this past July, which I do plan on posting about soon, but I’m having another at the end of September and it’s going to be 90’s themed. I can’t wait!

Ending: most nights early, cuddling my cat. It’s been nice to get some extra sleep and you know I always love hanging out with my Charlie boy. It does mean missing some shows and I know even more will be starting up again this Fall so I’ll have to figure that out. If I don’t watch things “live”, I tend to not keep up well.

Loving: TikTok. It took me awhile to get on the app, but I’m kind of obsessed with just scrolling through these videos. Most aren’t very long and they are a mix of interesting, funny, silly, thoughtful, emotional. You’re more than welcome to Follow Me on TikTok if you like!

Picking: out all the things I want to do this Fall. It’s my favorite season, and Halloween is my favorite holiday, and there’s always a ton of events around where I live. I’m hoping to get to as many as I can.

Posting: Not as much lately. I know I’m not the only one who is just tired and overwhelmed. There’s a lot going on in the world, and I’m anxious about various things. I’m trying to do fun things and see friends when I can, so it’s not all bad, by any means. I’ve also been going to bed earlier most nights, which is good, but it doesn’t leave a ton of time to do things like blogging. I’m hoping to get better at posting ahead this Fall though, as things are only going to get busier.

Local Tourist Link Up

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14 responses to “September 2021: Currently + Local Tourist Link-Up

  1. A 90s themed party sounds so much fun! I must say I haven’t got into TikTok but I’ve just recently got more into Instagram reels so maybe I should give TikTok another try!

  2. I normally am not a huge fall fan but I feel like I’m really going to try to get into it this year. I want to take advantage of going outside more, maybe doing touristy type things, and just doing stuff as a family. I already bought Pep and Lu’s Halloween costumes (Pep is going as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas and Lu is going to be a giraffe… lol).

    Sara Strand recently posted: The Strand Six: Iowa Vacation
  3. I was going to skip TikTok like I did with SnapChat, but once I saw all the authors that were on TikTok, and the adorable dog videos I couldn’t stay away. And it is fun to just scroll through short videos. I’m the same as you with if I don’t watch a show live I don’t always keep up. But then right now I don’t know if there are a lot of actual tv series on regular channels that I am even watching anymore. So many have moved, like the show Evil was on CBS, but it moved to Paramount Plus. I guess whenever Outlander comes back, I’ll do the weekly watch with that one. Oh well. Fall is my favorite season as well! And I can’t wait to start decorating!

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  4. I LOVE to go to sleep early, but I also get up at 5am or a little before to get my workout in most morning before the rest of the house wakes up. I’m excited about the Fall and Halloween, too! I am trying to decide on maybe a little family party for Halloween at home with some fun foods, movies, etc. since my kids are too old to trick or treat now.


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