Glossies Made Me Do It: Make Money On Your Phone

Posted September 1, 2017 by shooting in Product Review / 33 Comments

magazine finds

Welcome back to Glossies Made Me Do It: where every month, myself, Ashley, and Erika share something that a glossy (magazine) made us do. Now, apparently, these last few days have been all about the apps here on the blog. I swear I didn’t do this on purpose, but I think it worked out nicely. Most of us are always near our phone, so apps are super handy for all sorts of things in your life! Today, I’m sharing what Seventeen Magazine has made me do – one is an app, while the other is a website! Both allow you to potentially earn some extra cash!

In the September 2017 issue of Seventeen Magazine, there is a section all about making extra money on your phone. There are a variety of options, but so far, I have only started using two of them and I want to share those with you today!

Sell Your Photos with the App Foap

I thought I’d start off with the app Foap. If you are someone who loves taking photos, then Foap might be the place for you! This app allows you to upload any and all photos you take (you just have to own them – so your work only!) and then you can add a title, create some tags, and voila! Now if a company is looking for specific types of photos, they can peruse these tags and if they like yours, they can offer some money for it! Seventeen mentions that prices for photos can go up to $1,000! Not bad, right?  There is even a section on the app that shows recent photos purchased so you get an idea of what things sell, if you want an idea of things to take photos of or styles to emulate. I love taking photos so I think this is a fun way to potentially earn some extra money in the future! I don’t have a ton of photos up yet, and I still need to add tags and the like, but I’m just getting started!

Rate Fashion, Music, and More with Slice the Pie

Slice the Pie is a website where you can view and rate music, fashion, music videos, commercials – you get the idea. For music, you have to listen to at least 90 seconds and you aren’t allowed to leave the screen. If you try and switch to another view – to listen while browsing somewhere else, perhaps – the music will stop. However, for the music reviews, there is a box where you fill in talking about the sound, production, etc. and then there are number ratings for things like “sexy” or “pleasant” (they state it’s as if the music were a person…).

Now, for something like a video, there are different ways they want you to rate, but nothing takes terribly long to watch and rate. Each thing you do only gives you about 3 cents, so it’s not something you’ll make a ton of money doing, but I could see it adding up to a little here and there – especially if you take some time everyday to rate. Right now I have 12 cents, so not a lot, but it’s kind of fun to test things out. These ratings are helping people decide on if they should release something or not, so it’s helpful! I hear the amount you get paid could go up a bit depending on how good your reviews are, so it’s something I’ll see as I play around some more! If you are interested in signing up, feel free to use my referral link (I get a percent of anything you earn!)

Glossies Made Me Do It: Make Money From Your Phone! #ontheblog Share on X


Like I mentioned, these are only two of the apps/websites that were listed in the article. I’d suggest grabbing this issue if you want to know about the others – there are a couple that I still want to try. Would you be interested in a follow up review in the future?

If you’re an app fan like myself, don’t miss the other posts this week: a guest post on the best financial apps for 2017 and an app that lets you organize your life (or even just your books!!)

Finally, if you do your own Glossies Made Me Do It post this month, use the link up below so we can come visit you! We’d LOVE to have you! Link up closes on September 14th!


33 responses to “Glossies Made Me Do It: Make Money On Your Phone

  1. RO

    I’ve heard great things about Foap but haven’t used it yet because I can’t guarantee my photography skills. (lol) I’m gonna try Slice the Pie which is new to me, and will definitely use your link. Love, love, learning about new ways to earn cash, so I appreciate you posting about new apps and hope your weekend is fantastic! Hugs…RO

  2. I’ve gotta tell my cousin about this. He takes the most amazing photos with his phone and I wish he would get some recognition (or compensation!) for it!

  3. I haven’t heard of either one of these! They sound like really neat apps though, I will have to check them out! Man I haven’t read an actual magazine in so long. I should really change that!

  4. This is really neat, Lauren! Thanks so much for sharing, and yes–I would totally be interested in a follow-up in the future! I’m especially interested in that photo taking app. Do you know if you retain the rights to your own image, or is that something you give up once a brand uses your pic? Just curious!

    Thanks for sharing, and hope you have a great weekend, love! XO

  5. I’ve never heard of either of these, but they definitely sound like great ways to randomly earn some cash on the side! :] I may have to check out Foap!

  6. I haven’t done one of these post in awhile and need to get back to it. The first 2 months following my last post, I really didn’t find anything interesting to do. I didn’t want to repeat a makeup post or a movie post so I bailed. Need to get back to reading my mags and wish I brought some with me this weekend. I like the photo app you mentioned. Might have to try it.

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