Show Us Your Books: Adult, YA, and MG Mini Reviews

Posted July 9, 2019 by shooting in Book Review / 41 Comments

It’s time for Show Us Your Books with Steph and Jana. As always, I share book reviews throughout the month but I love doing this link-up so I can share some mini reviews of things I read, as well as link up with other awesome bloggers to get book recommendations! Join us!

Show Us Your Books: YA, MG, and Adult mini reviews #ontheblog Share on X

Keep This To Yourself by Tom Ryan

e-book from Netgalley; physical copy from ALA Midwinter

all opinions are my own

Official Summary on Goodreads

I finished this book yesterday, and oh my god, it’s amazing. Yes, it’s YA, but I really hope that doesn’t stop people from checking it out. It’s a mystery that follows Mac, whose best friend Connor was murdered by a serial killer the year before. He can’t get over it, and when he finds a note Connor left him before he died, he tries to find a way to figure out just what happened. Was the killer a drifter like everyone says? Or is someone who lives around them, hiding this terrible secret? This book is full of twists and turns. I never quite knew who I should suspect throughout and I love that in a mystery!

5/5 stars.

Superpowers by David J. Schwartz

personal copy; all opinions are my own

Official Summary on Goodreads

Superpowers is an intriguing look at what happens when five college students/roommates (two guys, three girls) wake up with superpowers. They all have different abilities – flight, invisibility, etc. – and they have to figure out how they want to use them. If they have these powers, they should use them to help others, right? I really liked this book because it shows that superpowers aren’t always a good thing – which should be obvious, but these are young college kids who are definitely not born with these abilities. They don’t always do the right thing, and you won’t always agree with their actions. I definitely felt for them all, and I found this to be a very enjoyable novel overall.

4/5 stars

City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab

library copy; all opinions are my own

Official Summary on Goodreads

If you read mostly adult fiction, then you may know this author as V.E. Schwab. When she publishes YA and now MG, which is what City of Ghosts is, then she goes by Victoria Schwab. I’m slowly but surely making my way through Schwab’s back list, and I just recently read her MG debut. I really loved this book. It takes place mostly in Edinburgh, Scotland, which was really cool to read about. I’d love to visit someday. It’s full of fascinating characters, including Cassidy Blake herself and her best friend, Jacob, who happens to be a ghost. The sequel comes out this September – and it takes place in Paris! I can’t wait!

4/5 stars

Kid Normal and The Rogue Heroes by Greg James and Chris Smith; illustrated by Erica SalcedoΒ 

copy from publisher; all opinions are my own

Official Summary on Goodreads

This book is the sequel to Kid Normal, which I read and really enjoyed, so I was excited to receive the sequel in the mail. Kid Normal is about a tween named Murph Cooper who accidentally ends up going to a school for kids with superpowers. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any, so he’s now been dubbed Kid Normal. In the first book, it’s obvious that not having superpowers isn’t a detriment for Murph and he can still be a hero himself. This continues in Rogue Heroes, when he’s called out by the biggest, baddest villain the Heroes Alliance has ever seen. He has to team up with his friends, whom they call the Super Zeroes, to figure out how to stop this villain, or rogue hero, from destroying everyone with powers. These books are a lot of fun, and I love that Murph is a “normal” kid who shows that he can still do extraordinary things. Plus, I love all his friends – both young and old – who are always there for him. The book is full of fun black and white illustrations by Erica Salcedo as well, which is always nice for an MG novel! I can’t wait for more Kid Normal.

4/5 stars


Have you read any of these? Does a particular title stand out to you as something you’d want to read (or recommend to another)? I’d love to know in the comments! Also, don’t forget to enter my blogoversary giveaway: Win 12 Books in Honor of My 12 Years of Blogging!Β 

41 responses to “Show Us Your Books: Adult, YA, and MG Mini Reviews

  1. Ok I might be out of the loop, but what’s “MG”? Also, is Superpowers a comic or graphic novel? It kinda looks like it. Keep This To Yourself sounds intriguing, and I’m a fan of YA πŸ™‚ Just added it to my TBR!

    Dani recently posted: Show Us Your Books: June Reads
  2. Kid Normal sounds adorable! All these books sound really good. I love a good superhero series. Have you read the Renegade series by Marissa Meyer? I’m only one in (I think there are three but the third isn’t out yet) but it’s interesting!

    Audrey recently posted: What I Read…
  3. It’s so funny about YA: most annoys me, but some are amazing. Sigh. I never know until I start a book, but I refuse to get excited about a YA book until I’m well into the story.

    Oh! You can up as a no-reply blogger on a sweet comment you left last week and I felt awful that I could’t answer!

  4. Wowww guess I need to add Keep It To Yourself to my list! I have been seeing it all over the place, but your review definitely sold me! I started to read City of Ghosts at an elementary school library while my client was watching a movie hahah. I actually kind of was into it, and then one week I came back and some kid had checked it out, so rude ? One day I’d like to pick it back up, though!

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