Review: Tears in the Water

Posted May 25, 2023 by shooting in Book Review / 7 Comments

Tears in the Water Margherita Scialla

Tears in the Water is one of the books I read for the Trans Rights Readathon and I really enjoyed it. The book takes place in a college that prepares young adults for playing in professional sports. The main character, Alex, swims – along with their best friend. The guy they fall for plays volleyball.

I loved the various representations across the friend group: transgender, pansexual, non-binary, lesbian, aromantic and more.

There are various content and trigger warnings in the front of the book which I really appreciated.

Alex is someone I could relate to, even without the same questions about gender. I struggle with anxiety and depression and I’m not straight.

The book ends with the idea that there might be a sequel and I would definitely read one!

7 responses to “Review: Tears in the Water

  1. I like being able to relate to a character in what I’m reading — I don’t think I’ve read a book with trigger warnings yet but it’s good that they’re adding those more now!

  2. Glad you enjoyed this books so much. It is great when we can relate to the main character in a book. For me it usually small character traits that help me relate to them (or large character traits too). 🙂 Thanks for sharing. I am going to recommend this to a friend’s child who could relate to this book on many levels.

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