Review: The Family Bones

Posted May 31, 2023 by shooting in Book Review / 7 Comments

The Family Bones by Elle Marr

Thank you to Wunderkind PR for my copy; all opinions are my own

Olivia Eriksen is a Psych student studying where being psychopathic is something you’re born with, or grow into. She’s particularly interested in this subject because a lot of people in her family show psychopathic tendencies. Some are actual murderers, but not all of them. She brings her fiance to a family reunion so she can get a one-on-one interview with her grandfather for her dissertation. Of course, things immediately start to go wrong and Olivia’s not sure who is to blame…

I liked this one overall, but it wasn’t a favorite. I thought it was a bit of a slow build and then I ended up guessing most of the twists, based on clues throughout. I did find the premise interesting and it definitely picks up once you get near the end. There’s Olivia’s POV and then the POV of a podcaster who is looking into a missing person case. I wish the podcaster, Birdie, played a larger role.

I gave this 3 stars, but I have read Lies We Bury by Marr and that was a 5 star read, so I do like the author and would read more of their work.

7 responses to “Review: The Family Bones

  1. Verushka

    Ok, Olivia and her family (and this premise actually) kind of blow my mind an dmake me very curious about this! I am glad it picks up to the end@

  2. The premise definitely does sound interesting, but I cannot stand when you can pretty much guess everything throughout, especially in a book that is supposed to be a mystery or thriller. Takes out all the fun. Sorry this wasn’t a win for you, but glad it wasn’t terrible either!

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