Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today’s topic is Bookish Wishes, and it states “List the top 10 books you’d love to own and include a link to your wishlist so that people can grant your wish.”
I have all of these books on my Amazon Wish List, if you want to purchase any of them for me, but don’t feel like you have to! I’m going to try and grant a couple wishes myself, so make sure you have 3rd party shipping on your wish list (and that you include your e-book email if you have them on your list).
Since June is Pride Month, I’m going to share LGBT+ books that are on my wish list.
Top 10 Tuesday: Bookish Wishes – Pride Month Edition
There you have it! Ten LGBT+ books that are on my wish list and I would love to read. Have you read any of them? Any interest you?
I hope you get some of these books. I haven’t read any of them yet, but they do sound good.
I have the first book by Ashley Herring Blake on my wishlist. I heard it was great.
I’ve read a couple by Roan Parrish and Annabeth Albert but neither of the ones you’ve shared here. I hope you enjoy them!
I have not read any of these, but they are newer books. I love Herring Blake and have heard a lot of great things about her adult romances.
WOW! Such a wonderful selection. DRAT! So many to add to my Wish List, beginning with So This Is Ever After and The Geek Who Saved Christmas
May some of your wishes be granted this week!
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
I need to start in on FT Lukens asap!
Check out my Bookish Wishes
Thanks for this list. I just came out earlier this month and I’m always looking for LGBTQ+ books to read. I haven’t read many of them, but I’m excited to read more and expand my horizons.
This looks like such a good cross section of LGBTQ+ books and a great pile of reading. Happy Reading & thanks so much for the visit.
This Wicked Fate is absolutely wonderful, and I’ve got the Ashley Herring Blake book on my TBR as well! I hope you get all your wishes!
I still need to read This Wicked Fate. The cover is so gorgeous. Great list.
I read The Geek Who Saved Christmas and it was cute. There are a few others there that I’ve been wanting to read.
Karen @For What It’s Worth
Love that you focused on LGBTQ+ books! I just started So This Is Ever After and I’m already loving it.