Touring Local: March 2015

Posted March 31, 2015 by shooting in Uncategorized / 12 Comments

I didn’t really do much in February, so I skipped a Touring Local feature for that month. However, I had a couple things that I did in March that I thought I would share with you all!

One of my local libraries had a lady come in to teach us all about making soy candles. I went with my mom and we both made a candle. Mine is the blue and the scent is cotton. The white is my mom’s and her scent is vanilla. We still need to cut the wicks and light these, but just smelling them as they were hardening was so heavenly. It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot of great things about how soy candles are better than store-bought ones in terms of the smell and the soot.


The Breakfast Club is celebrating its 30th anniversary and in honor of that, theaters across the United States are showing the movie. I love this film and I really wanted to see it on a big screen, so I was excited when a friend of mine asked me to go. There was a short “look back” type of video before the film where actors from the movie and some other famous fans reminisced on this movie and John Hughes. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed seeing this classic 80’s movie in the movie theaters, since I was not born when it was originally released.

What fun things did you do this March?

12 responses to “Touring Local: March 2015

  1. I'm a big fan of soy candles and melts as well, the scents are always lovely and tend to outlast normal candles by hours and hours I've found. Those look gorgeous Lauren, nice work! I've never tried to make my own, is it something you'd make at home yourself?

    The Breakfast Club is one of my favourite movies, it must have been amazing to see it at the cinemas. I was around when it was first released, but only five at the time, so didn't see it until I was in my early teens. It's such a cult classic. I wonder where they all are now.

    Great feature Lauren, really enjoyed it <3

  2. I believe if I ever decide to make a candle one day, I'll fail epically. I'll have you know I'm banned from the kitchen as well. :p

    Those soy candles are really pretty though! ^_^

  3. Cool, Lauren!! omg how neat is it to make your own candle! I should see if there's anywhere close to me offering a tutorial like that because I would SO be into it!

  4. I used to make candles with my mom, but they never looked so pretty as yours hehehe. I think the most interesting thing I did at March was traveling to Isla Margarita. I loved it!

  5. I've actually been thinking of going to the craft store today to get stuff to make candles. I was thinking beeswax though. I guess I should research a tad more. Your candles look purty!

    I't been SO long since I watched The Breakfast Club. It would be cool to see it in theaters!

  6. What a fun class at the library. I can make soap but not candles. I need to learn to!

    I can't believe the Breakfast Club is 30 years! Crazy! I would love to see it on the big screen!

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