I’d had Mike’s Place to read/review for awhile now, and How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less was something that I saw at one of my local libraries and decided to check out. I ended up reading them pretty close together, which worked out well since they both deal with Israel.
Mike’s Place: A True Story of Love, Blues, and Terror in Tel Aviv (book for review; all opinions are my own) by Jack Baxter and Joshua Faudem is a nonfiction graphic novel about the making of a documentary. Jack and Joshua were doing said documentary on Mike’s Place, a bar that people could go to and not worry about politics or what is happening in the outside world. Unfortunately, while this was happening, two suicide bombers come to the bar and one of them detonated their bomb, harming and killing people hanging out at Mike’s Place.
How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less by Sarah Glidden, is another nonfiction graphic novel. This time, the book is about Sarah on a birthright trip to Israel. What I found fascinating is that Sarah actually mentions Mike’s Place in her book – she visited a few years after the bombing depicted in the graphic novel Mike’s Place. Sarah’s book is longer than Mike’s Place as it focuses on a lot of different places she visited, and people she met. She went to Israel thinking she believed one thing about the crisis and politics, but she left realizing that there was more to it all than she realized.
Now, I wanted to share some of the pictures in the two books that show Mike’s Place, as that was the big common denominator in these two books!
The above photo is from Mike’s Place, giving you a look at the famous bar. As you can see, this graphic novel is completely black and white.
How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less is done in color, and I have a few more pictures to share from that book since it’s not all about Mike’s Place. I wanted to show where it was mentioned!
I found both of these graphic novels to be fascinating as I honestly don’t know much about Israel. If you’re curious about the country, I do suggest checking out either of these.
Two, Nonfiction Graphic Novels about Israel - #bookreviews on the blog! Click To TweetWhat do you think? Does one or the other stand out to you?
I really love graphic novels, and appreciate the many ways they are used to share information. These two both sound so interesting, and I like the art in both. Thank you for sharing!
Wow these do look good. Israel is a place I have always wanted to visit. I am intrigued by the locale, the people, and the food! Thanks for sharing these books with us.
I’ve been learning more and more about different foods and cultures from Netflix, but these seem like a great way to learn even more! Thanks Lauren. Hugs…RO
These look really interesting, I have never read a nonfiction graphic novel. Thanks for sharing!
I love nonfiction graphic novels – I’ll have to look for these.
I am curious about Israel and haven’t read many graphic novels so thanks for putting me onto these, Lauren.
I just yesterday was thinking about how little I know about Israel. I should do better thanks for the info on these two books.
I’ve actually been to Mike’s Place! It was a pretty well known hang out place when I was in Israel in 99!
That’s so cool you’ve actually been to Israel and Mike’s Place at that!!
These sound really interesting! My entire family has been to Israel but I haven’t yet!
These look so informative and interesting and presented in such a fun way, the pictures are so cool!
These both look interesting. I should read one of them to clear up some of my ignorance re: Israel. I’m curious—what is a “birthright trip to Israel?”. I’ve not heard of that phrase before. great reviews, Lauren. Thanks for sharing.
It allows people to go on a free trip to Israel if they are Jewish, so a “birthright trip” if you will. 🙂 I’d never heard of it before reading this book though!
These sound good… THat’s neat that How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less mentions Mike’s Place. I really don’t know much about Israel at all, I am sure I’d learn a lot.
These books sound really interesting. I really do not know much about Isreal either and both of these books look like great ways to learn about it.
These are great. I don’t know much about Israel either so these both seem like good starting places.
Wow, these novels look really good. I have never read a nonfiction graphic novel or a novel set on Israel. I’ll keep an eye on these. Thanks for sharing 🙂
These look really good! Thanks for sharing, I’ll have to keep an eye out for these 🙂
Mike’s Place is one that really appeals to me, especially given the current political climate in the world. The illustrations look wonderful, I like the softness which is a stark contrast considering the storyline sounds confronting. Thanks so much for sharing Lauren, brilliant reviews! <3
I’m very curious about How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less since I really don’t know anything about the political situation over there. I am surprised there were suicide bombers in Israel. It doesn’t seem real. Thanks for bringing these two to my attention!
I am a fan of anime, manga, light novels, and graphic novels. I will have to check these out
These both sound like great reads! I wonder if they’d be appropriate for a high school library? I like to get nonfiction graphic novels whenever I can. Thanks for the reviews!
I think How to Understand would probably be more suitable for a high school library.
I’ve read very few graphic novels but would like to try more. I’ll have to check my library for these since they both look so interesting. Glad you shared, Lauren!