Upcoming Celebrity Memoirs I Want To Read

Posted August 22, 2022 by shooting in Discussion / 11 Comments

I’m a fan of a good celebrity memoir. I don’t read tons of them, but there seem to be quite a few intriguing ones coming out soon. I thought I’d share them here. Any catch your eye? And as always, purchase links are affiliate links. Thanks for the support! 

September 13, 2022

None of This Rocks: A Memoir by Joe Trohman

October 4, 2022

Making a Scene by Constance Wu

October 18, 2022

Waxing On: The Karate Kid and Me by Ralph Macchio

November 15, 2022

Have I Told You This Already?: Stories I Don’t Want to Forget to Remember by Lauren Graham

11 responses to “Upcoming Celebrity Memoirs I Want To Read

  1. I loved Graham’s other book, so I cant wait to check out the new one. I love listening to these on audiobook, as the person who wrote it tends to be the one to read it.

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