Glossies Made Me: Sealed With a Kiss…Of Clear Nail Polish

Posted September 6, 2019 by shooting in Discussion, Uncategorized / 27 Comments

monthly magazine finds

Sorry I’m a couple days late for Glossies Made Me Do It – September is such a busy month for me. I need to get better at scheduling ahead. Anyway, Glossies Made Me Do It is a monthly link up (the first Friday of every month) where I share something that a glossy (magazine) has made me do.

Sadly, my co-host, Ashley, is taking a blogging hiatus so it’s just me!

The Glossy: Woman’s Day, September 2019 Issue

What the Glossy Made Me Do

Woman’s Day magazine shared some clever uses for Clear Nail Polish in their latest issue. One of those was sealing envelopes. Just swipe the polish where you’d normally lick, press down, and let it dry. I wasn’t sure if this was working at first, but I put the jar of polish on top of the letter to hold it down for a bit, and voila! It dried and held. You might want to add a little tape or maybe even a sticker just for precautions sake, but so far, so good. I definitely like the idea of not licking the envelope…yuck!

I guess I’ll have to see how it all holds up in the mail, but it was fun to try something new to seal an envelope. Normally I put tape all around it or make someone else lick the envelope! hah I just really hate that taste…I mean, really, is anyone a fan?

Check out the September 2019 issue of Woman’s Day to learn other ways to use clear nail polish (my photo above gives you another, along with sealing envelopes)!

Glossies Made Me: Sealed With a Kiss...of Clear Nail Polish!! #ontheblog Share on X

If you have your own Glossies post, please link up below, or add this to your planner for next month.

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27 responses to “Glossies Made Me: Sealed With a Kiss…Of Clear Nail Polish

  1. Hey, I have so missed participating in these but try to do my Stepping Outside my Comfort Zone posts on the last day of the month, too. Lately, I can’t seem to get anything much written or posted and have been terrible about blog reading. My routine has taken a big hit but hoping to get back on track. Will try to get my post written so I can link with you. XO

    Leslie Susan Clingan recently posted: My Summer Bucket List, Update 08.2019
    • shooting

      No worries, Leslie. I feel like I’m off my blogging game too. LOL You can always post on a different date and just link up when you can. I try and keep it open for a couple weeks. 🙂


    • shooting

      Aw, thanks! The lovely Kelly from Diva Book Nerd is the one who designed it, and I love it. It’s so gorgeous. And yes, it’s fairly new, so you aren’t missing anything! haha


  2. RO

    Love Woman’s Day, and what a great idea! I’m always mailing cards, so I’m going to give this a try. I have some stickers as a backup just in case, but it sure seems like something cool to do. Hugs, RO

  3. Clear nail polish for the win. Im a weirdo who likes licking envelopes but this is cool too! Way back in the day, like way back there, 30 some years ago, I used my mom clear polish to make my watch waterproof. Worked for about a week. LOL

    Kim Munoz recently posted: Menu Monday: 9•9•19
  4. This would be a great idea for Christmas cards!!! Or if you’re sending out cards for a party, shower, etc. And, you could just buy a 99 cent bottle of clear polish somewhere. Thanks for sharing this, I’m going to try it!


  5. I haven’t thought of trying clear nail polish as an envelope sealer but what a great idea! I always have a few extra bottles laying around!

  6. Seems like a good alternative if you really hate licking letters. Lol. I don’t mind too much. And I love decorating with cute stickers when I have them! 🙂

  7. Jen

    Sealing envelopes! That is brilliant, plus I was just thinking yesterday I need to start re-instating using the clear nail polish on my nails in general 🙂

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