Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book: Part 2

Posted May 15, 2018 by shooting in Discussion / 32 Comments

I’m back with the second part of Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book! If there’s just a name, and no link attached, it means the person is someone I know in real life. Anyway, let me know the weirdest place you’ve read a book (or a “weird place” for non-readers).

Part 2 of Weirdest Place You've Read a Book is #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on X

Oh, and do you want my answer? Well, a lot of people find it weird that I read in my pool. Yes, IN the pool. I have one of those round, above ground pools, so it’s basically the same depth everywhere you go. This means I can walk in circles, reading my book. Besides that, the other place that might seem “weird” would be a volleyball game. No, I was not the one playing, but I was sitting in the stands reading a book while the game was going on.

Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book: Part 2

I’ve read a book at a cemetery. It was really quiet and peaceful! ? – Mary

And here is a weird scenario: Those who are incarcerated are permitted books ONLY if the books arrive straight from a place like Amazon. So last Christmas, I purchased the Stephen King β€œMr. Mercedes” series from Amazon and had them delivered to an inmate. ? – Also from Mary (the one above)

Up against the wall between a bunch of desks – Courtney

I used to hide whatever book I was reading inside my textbooks during class. Also I’d read during taekwondo tournaments – Amanda

Under a stairwell hiding from overpeppy people lol which is weird cuz I’m usually the peppy one but I have moments haha- Hannah

I will go to a pub, order a beer or a glass of wine, and read. Personally, I don’t think it’s weird, but most bar patrons are there to drink, socialize, watch a ballgame or a band. I do all of those things too, but sometimes, I like to read at a pub as well πŸ™‚
– Erin from Erin’s Book Challenge:Β

Weird? That’s a hard one. Maybe waiting in line to meet David Tennant or Tom Hiddleston – Michelle

The weirdest place I read one was when I was a kid at a drive-in movie. My family was watching the movies and I sat in the front seat with the overhead light on reading Goosebumps- Krysten fromΒ

In my car in the parking lot before book club….I finished just in time! πŸ™‚ –Β

At a concert – Sara fromΒ
^ as for what concert?
Rhianna. She was two hours late and TERRIBLE. Worst concert I’ve ever been to. Worse than Collective Soul who were all drunk.

There have been a couple of parties when I pulled out a book.(lol)-Β

32 responses to “Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book: Part 2

  1. RO

    People think it’s weird that I go to a restaurant to eat alone or with friends with a book. I love seeing these responses from other readers. Fun! Hugs..RO

  2. Back in the day before water restrictions here in Cape Town, I used to read in the bath alot. I’d have a cup of tea (or a glass of wine depending on the day I’d had) and sit under bubbles reading. It was bliss.

  3. Would people think it was weird for a person to be eating alone and looking at their phone? Probably not! So why not a book? πŸ™‚

  4. On these were so fun to read! Also I need to step up my weird reading places πŸ˜‰ I love Sara’s answer of reading at a Rihanna concert (but what a bummer that she sucked!). And also a pubβ€”I’d love to order a drink and just sit with it and read πŸ™‚

  5. Neely Moldovan

    Oh wow a cemetary! I think for me the other weirdest place is probably the grocery store!

  6. I enjoy your blog because it makes me think. After reading the responses you got to your prompt, I am clearly not expanding my reading horizons enough. Would doctor’s office count?

  7. I love these! I actually read in the tub which is odd for me considering I’m such a klutz! I’ve been known to give a book or two a bath — oops! I did take a book with me into the bathroom once while at my in laws cottage. I wasn’t on the toilet though but I pretended I was. I just parked myself in the corner and read the book. I just needed some space LOL!

  8. Great post! Well, if you’re not interested in a volleybal game or taekwondo tournament, why not read a book? I’d read at a bar or restaurant too πŸ™‚ A cemetery sound a little eerie but at the same time I think it’d be a fantastic reading spot!

  9. I read everywhere, especially now that I Have a kindle on my phone. I don’t think any place is peculiar, if I have a book, I read it.

  10. It’s funny, but I never think of places as weird for book reading, mostly because, for me, any place has the potential to be a spot I’ll whip out a print book, Kindle, or phone app to read- pool, cemetery, store line, waiting room, car, event, while cooking… I try not to read when I’m at a place where I’m expected to socialize, but… there were times.

    Fun topic!

  11. I have been known to take a book to the bathroom. At home I just sit in my dry tub and get comfy for a bit. I have also locked myself in an airplane bathroom to get away from my noisy siblings to read in peace for a bit. I’ll ready anywhere lol

    Kim Munoz recently posted: Thirteen
  12. I totally have read while in the pool! It’s a great way to relax. I think reading in a cemetery would be pretty neat and peaceful.

  13. Ha! I love the ones who read at a party or concert that wasn’t any good. I have often wished for a book at those times! Such a fun post!

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