A Twist in Time by Julie McElwain

Posted November 8, 2018 by shooting in Book Review / 22 Comments

A Twist in Time by Julie McElwain

Review by Lauren

source: e-library copy; all opinions are my own

Official Summary (add to Goodreads): Former FBI agent Kendra Donovan’s attempts to return to the twenty-first century have failed, leaving her stuck at Aldridge Castle in 1815. And her problems have just begun: in London, the Duke of Aldridge’s nephew Alec—Kendra’s confidante and lover—has come under suspicion for murdering his former mistress, Lady Dover, who was found viciously stabbed with a stiletto, her face carved up in a bizarre and brutal way.

Lady Dover had plenty of secrets, and her past wasn’t quite what she’d made it out to be. Nor is it entirely in the past—which becomes frighteningly clear when a crime lord emerges from London’s seamy underbelly to threaten Alec. Joining forces with Bow Street Runner Sam Kelly, Kendra must navigate the treacherous nineteenth century while she picks through the strands of Lady Dover’s life.

As the noose tightens around Alec’s neck, Kendra will do anything to save him, including following every twist and turn through London’s glittering ballrooms, where deception is the norm—and any attempt to uncover the truth will get someone killed.

Review: The Kendra Donovan series is one I discovered on my library’s e-site and I’m so glad I did because it’s a new favorite of mine. A Twist of Time is the second in the series, which follows Former FBI agent Kendra Donovan, who has gone back in time to 1815. This all happens in the first book, so A Twist in Time continues with Kendra stuck in the past and helping with a new murder mystery. I love learning about this time period in England, and I feel like the author does a great job blending Kendra’s twenty-first century mindset with the time period she finds herself in. Her secret is known by only two people and they are helpful in making sure she has what she needs and is able to help when the need arises. In 1815 England, Kendra would not be acting anything like a more modern woman, but based on her success in the first book, more people are willing to work with her when the Duke of Aldridge’s nephew, Alec, is accused of murder.

A Twist in Time: A modern girl sent back in time to solve mysteries; 2nd book in a favorite series #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on X

I thought the mystery was fascinating, and it’s not one that I guessed until all was revealed. With a small cast of characters, the murderer could be guessed while reading, but I don’t think it would take away much enjoyment from this book. While each book focuses on a different case, I do think these books should be read in order so that you are accustomed to Kendra’s story and the other main characters that appear in both books. Both of these books are quite long, but I found them to be rather quick reads as I was immediately swept up in the story. The time period, the mystery, the possible return of Kendra to her own time period. It all works together to form one fascinating story! I can’t wait for more from Kendra and the rest (third book out now; fourth book coming out next year).

22 responses to “A Twist in Time by Julie McElwain

  1. I enjoy books that seem immense but when you read them you just fly through. This series has intrigued me but also I found myself reluctant to pick it up too. I still don’t know about it, but your review is doing a great job of giving heaps to think about in regards to this book.

  2. Jen

    Oooh this looks good! These are my favorite kind of books 🙂 Thank you so much for reviewing and sharing your thoughts on this one. I think it will become a favorite for me too.

  3. I’m getting ready to start book three this month. Love seeing how much you are enjoying the series. I think the author did a bang up job of guessing how a modern woman lost in time would think and act.

  4. I like a good mystery and especially one that keeps you guessing until the end! I think it kind of makes it less fun if you figure it out before everything is revealed!

  5. Absolutely LOVE this cover. The premise is very Outlander but then again any time travel book I could say the same. I’m glad you are continuing to enjoy the series so much and that you discovered the book using the library! I’m trying to browse more and read whatever without relying on reviews so much.

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  6. Oh my god… how have I not heard of this series before? The title and cover both catch my attention, along with the premise, so I’m a little surprised my library hasn’t shoved this at me for some reason? Books with time traveling and mystery has always intrigued me, though, so I’ll have to see if I can get a copy soon.

  7. It’s so fun when you discover a new series and it becomes a new favorite! The premise sounds fun with how she’s send back in time and solves mysteries there, what an unique combination of genres. Sounds like the author handles both the mystery part and the historical part well. Great review!

  8. Totally love the cover of this book. And this librarian does judge books by their covers. I rarely read series. Usually find that I will love the first book, get hooked and then be disappointed by everything else in the series. Will definitely give this a look, though, with a cover like that!

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