Blow Down by J.L. Merrow

Posted March 27, 2018 by shooting in Book Review / 17 Comments

Blow Down by J.L. Merrow

Review by Lauren

source: copy from Netgalley; all opinions are my own

Official Summary: You can add the book and find the summary on Goodreads. I don’t want to ruin too much if you haven’t read any of this series. This is the fourth in the series.ย 

Review: If you’ve been paying attention, you know that I love this series. It’s a mystery series with an m/m romance, but if you aren’t a big romance person, don’t worry! I think this series does a good job mixing the mystery and romance so that neither really overpower the other. Blow Down is the fourth book in the series, and each one follows the same characters, so it’s probably a good idea to start with the first book. I’m sure you’ll fall in love with Tom and Phil like I have!

Blow Down by J.L. Merrow - an #mmromance book review (with lots of mystery!) #bookbloggers Share on X

Tom is a plumber, but he also has a gift for finding things. I was asked after my last review if this was a power or just something he’s good at it, so I want to clarify that it’s a power. He can sense really strong emotions and if something has been purposely hidden, he can follow the tracks of that emotion toward the item. He usually has to be focusing on finding something though; otherwise he’s not likely to notice. As for Phil, that’s Tom’s private investigator boyfriend. Tom and Phil are often teaming up in these books because Phil can usually use Tom’s power to help them solve the mystery.

Each book in the series has its own separate mystery, which is fun, but it also progresses the relationship of Tom and Phil, which I love! Definitely give these a shot!

17 responses to “Blow Down by J.L. Merrow

  1. I love when books have a touch of the supernatural that doesnโ€™t overpower the story. It sounds like this is right up my alley. Thanks for the summary!

  2. Hey! We’re on the same wave length still. My review goes up on Thursday.

    I have such a good time with each of these books. I won’t be surprised if I struggle to pick up the last one just b/c I know its the last one. But I will, b/c I love them. Not like I don’t have a few other m/m mystery series partnerships to keep me busy like Cochrane’s and Lanyon’s. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I like that there is a good mix of other genres going on in this book as I am not a huge fan of just romance alone. I like that there is mystery in it as well. I didn’t know that this was part of a series and as usual, I like to start series out with the first! I’m such a picky person that way!

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