Keep It Together (June 2021): A Look Inside My Book Review Journal

Posted June 17, 2021 by shooting in Discussion, Planning / 14 Comments

It’s time for all your planner, scrapbooking, memory keeping posts!! Be sure to check out Rebecca Jo’s post too!

Keep It Together: June 2021

This month, I’m back with my Reading Journal. I wanted to share a little of what the journal looks like on the inside, and how I do my book reviews.

I think the hardest part is trying to narrow down the summary to that little box at the top. Otherwise, I have plenty of room to get my thoughts down on paper. I didn’t use the journal for awhile after I had my carpal tunnel surgery, so I’m starting to get back into it again. I don’t write down reviews for every book I’ve read. I try and focus on the ones I have to review or want to review so I have things to look back on.

Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay – book review

Granted, for the two books above, I kind of forgot to look back on my notes before I did reviews so I didn’t share the quotes I’d written down. Ah well…you’re seeing it now! I’ll get the hang of this someday! LOL

Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano – book review

I also wanted to show off these pens that my sister got me for Christmas. They’re fineliner pens and great for people who do Bullet Journaling. I use them in my planner, and sometimes in my book review journal! I love the mix of colors and they write really well!

What do you think? Do you have a book review journal? Would you use one?

If you have your own “keep it together” post, link up below!

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14 responses to “Keep It Together (June 2021): A Look Inside My Book Review Journal

  1. I have a little HP mini that I keep for books – but I need a better quality journal to do it & make it pretty. I have such a struggle remembering characters & like to write them down… & quotes – I love keeping quotes from books in it.

    I gotta get those pens – I hear about those from everyone!

  2. You write a lot about each one! I have almost filled my book review section of my planner so my reviews are going to be in another notebook that has more space like yours does but I don’t know that I’ll fill it up!

  3. Oohhhhh, it’s so fun to see a behind the scenes! I had no idea that so much went into your reviews! No wonder they seem so comprehensive. I have gotten so many great book recs from you, Lauren! Keep ’em coming! Thanks for all the great suggestions!

  4. Jen

    I love that you write down your thoughts after reading. Sometimes I feel like I need to do that too. Some books you really need to gather your thoughts on.

  5. I’ve got a notebook that I’ve started keeping this year while reading. I jot down my main thoughts/feelings while reading so I have something to work off when I sit down to write reviews. Honestly, I’ve been terrible with blogging/reviewing this year but I’m finally starting to write again and my notebook (reading journal or whatever I want to call it) has been a godsend!

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