Discussion: What Books Did You Love as a Child?

Posted May 3, 2018 by shooting in Discussion / 36 Comments

Happy Children’s Book Week (April 30- May 6). In honor of this week, I asked my social media friends to share the books they loved growing up. Many of these are books that I also read and loved as a child, but to further answer the question: the Harry Potter series, Roald Dahl books, Forged By Fire by Sharon M. Draper, Bridge to Terabitihia by Katherine Paterson, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Amelia Bedelia books, and so many more.

It's Children's Book Week: Let us know what your childhood favorites were! #discussion #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on X

If there isn’t a link attached to the person’s name, it means they are probably someone I know in my “real” life. Leave your own childhood favorites in the comments below!

What Books Did You Love as a Child? 

The Borrowers, Anne of Green Gables Series and anything by Judy Blume. – Sara from https://twitter.com/RedheadedMama12

Two Princess of Bamaar. I read that from like age 10-20 Lol I could never get tired of it. Also I own about all of the Nancy drew books ever created plus the sister series. And the Mandy series, I forget if that that was the full name though lol – Hannah

I’m sure you know what I’m going to say. I loved Bridge to Terabithia. – My sister, Kari

Those illustrated by gyo fujikawa and eloise wilkins; sweet pickles; berenstein bears; richard scarry books; little bunny follows his nose. the ones my brother’s children loved the most were pout pout fish, kiki’s blankie, scaredy squirrel; dirtball pete; small saul and little bunny follows his nose. there’s also one called the magical, mystical, marvelous coat that i LOVE. – Jenn from http://www.smartassdirect.com/

There are so many! Where the Wild Things Are, The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Where the Red Fern Grows, Bridge to Terabithia, all the Seuss books, all the Berenstain Bears books, all the Ramona Quimby books, the Boxcar Children books, Amelia Bedelia books, Nancy Drew books… the list is endless. – Lecy from https://asimplergrace.blogspot.com/

Berenstein Bear and Elizabeth Levy books (something queer at a haunted school house? That was the best!) Plus, all the nursery rhymes mom read me! – Alexa

The magic treehouse – Becca

The Black Cauldren series by Lloyd Alexander and the Wind on Fire trilogy by William Nicholson. – Kate

Corduroy, all the Little Mr. and Little Miss books, any Judy Blume or Beverly Cleary books, A Wrinkle in Time, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler – Shann from https://www.shanneva.com/

I LOVED Amelia Bedelia when I was little – Amanda

I begged my mom to teach me to read just so I could read The Poky Little Puppy to myself. Whenever forced to pick a favorite book of all-time (which we booklovers know is a near impossible task), I name the children’s classic The Secret Garden. – Erin from Erin’s Book Challenge https://www.facebook.com/groups/BookChallengeByErin/

Professor Wormbog in Search for the Zipperumpazoo. I still have mine from when I was a kid to read to Ava and Joey. It’s starting to fall apart though ? – Hannah

The Ramona Quimby books, all the books by Judy Blume, The Babysitters Club, Berenstain Bears, Sweet Valley Twins, Garfield and Charlie Brown comic books, Arthur, Curious George, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, so many! – Beth from http://coffeeuntilcocktailsblog.com/

The Story of Ferdinand, Hans Christian Andersen & Grimm Brothers fairytales – Heather from https://thehermitlibrarian.wordpress.com/

The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren <3 – Lexxie from https://unconventionalbookviews.com/

Babar the Elephant and Cranberry Christmas for picture books. Little House, Three Investigators, Black Stallion, and Trixie Belden for chapter books. – Sophia Rose from http://delightedreader.com/

I loved Dr Suess, The Berenstein bears, The monster at the end of this book starring Grover and The very hungry caterpillar – Sharon from http://shazlovesbooks.blogspot.com.au/

I loved the Berenstein Bears, Shel silverstein, The Fly Went By. – Melanie from http://rabidreads.ca/ and http://www.hotlistens.com/

Dick and Jane. I swear I LOVED them. Also The Goose and the Gander.- Janet

36 responses to “Discussion: What Books Did You Love as a Child?

  1. This is great! I loved the Little House books, the Wizard of Earthsea books, Ferdinand, Hats for Sale, and the Rikki Tikki Tavi books. No way could I name them all!

  2. Fun that you got so many responses! I love Harry Potter but I read it as an adult! As a kid I used to read Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High!

  3. Love all the responses! I saw some I completely forgot about! This is such a fun topic, it’s making me want to go dig out all my old books now and re-read them just for fun! Thanks for featuring me! 🙂

  4. As a little kid, I loved Little Critter, and the Bernstein Bears. <3

    Reading age, I was all about the Boxcar Children series (I think I had 40-ish of them) and The Little House on the Prairie series (but I never loved the show that much – go figure).

  5. So many that I loved. I read all the Beverly Cleary and Judy Blume books. I enjoyed Roald Dahl and I adored Tuck Everlasting.

  6. This post is the best. I’d completely forgotten about some of these books, and there are just so many I want to read to my boys now. Such a great idea!

  7. Neely Moldovan

    For me it was anything shel silverstein! I did a research paper on him in college!

  8. Great post! Lots of my childhood favorites are on your list. I also loved The Chronicles of Narnia, pretty much everything Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary wrote, the Winnie the Pooh books, and the Little Golden Books were big favorites too.

  9. I read all the time as a child, so pretty much everything mentioned here! As for series, I read them all: Boxcar Children, Nancy Drew, The Babysitter’s Club, Saddle Club, Thoroughbred, Sweet Valley Twins, Sweet Valley High, Judy Blame…I saved them all and now my daughter is reading them!

  10. This was so fun to read–it brought back lots of memories!! I loved The Boxcar Children, Nancy Drew, all the Ramona Quimby books, The Babysitter’s Club… I hope my kids will enjoy at least some of these!!

  11. I grew up in Italy (I’m Italian), and I don’t remember much of my childhood. However, I do remember a couple of books that I loved when I was little—which luckily I was able to bring with me when I moved to UK. They’re all scribbled over, but they’re mine and they mean a lot to me. Now that I think about it, I guess I was kind of a weirdo back then, haha… That should explain why I hold dear a book about a little girl who loves to explore and understand nature, and her idea of fun is studying wild animals’ poo. LOL
    There was also another book—though that was for when I was even younger—which was 365 stories with forest animals illustrated by Richard Scarry. Unfortunately I don’t have that book anymore, but I will always remember it.

  12. Harry Potter was definitely the main one for me, but I also loved Roald Dahl, Jacqueline Wilson, Enid Blyton, Watership Down, Black Beauty (I really liked animal books!), and the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke.

  13. Ramona Quimby and Judy Blume yessss. I also loved the Magic Treehouse, Arthur, Judy Moody, Junie B. Jones, Rainbow Fish, and The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids. There was another series that is going to drive me crazy because I can’t remember it… EfRGRGRWG.

  14. As a child I love Where The Wild Things Are – I wasn’t too “girly girl” it seems. But by my middle school/pre-teens years I was over the moon for Sweet Valley High and Judy Blume.

  15. Jen

    I saw a lot of of favorites here myself! How cool! Like the comment above I also loved Baby Sitters club and Sweet Valley High 🙂

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