Currently: Singing Those Covid Blues…

Posted February 3, 2021 by shooting in Personal / 40 Comments

Happy February, everyone. My whole family currently has Covid (and by whole family, I mean my parents, my sister, my grandpa, and me). My grandpa was admitted to the hospital on Monday because his oxygen was low. He’s doing a lot better, though he’s still in the hospital. The rest of us are slowly feeling better; we had a mix of symptoms between us all. One thing we all share is our exhaustion, which I’m sure won’t be going away anytime soon.

If you’ve read my blog for awhile, you know I had blood clots in my lungs last year so getting Covid was always a pretty nerve-wracking scenario for me. Thankfully, my breathing has been okay. I get winded pretty quick, but I’m not surprised there. We are pretty sure my grandpa got sick first and passed it around, but you never know for sure.

I was the next person to get sick in my family but it seemed like allergies and then a cold. When I thought I might have strep throat, a friend of mine said she knew people who thought that and had Covid. I went last Thursday and got tested for Covid, strep, and the flu – oh yeah, fun stuff. I was positive for Covid, obviously. Unfortunately, my sister had been over a week before, so she got tested and was positive (which was unfortunate, since we’re really the only people she sees in person). At any rate, be careful with those symptoms! You never can tell.

Fingers crossed we are all over the worst of it and will be “back to normal” soon. All of us have some reason to be “high risk” so Covid was always a big worry for us. Despite possibly having immunity for a few months, we’re all going to wear masks and social distance as much as possible. I am personally ready for warmer weather though. It’ll be nice to at least get of the house more!

Anyway, after that lovely news, it’s time for Currently with Anne at In Residence. Let’s focus on some happier news, shall we?


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Loving: mug toppers! I’m not someone who drinks warm beverages, but I love mugs and I have a fun collection. When I discovered these really cute mug toppers, I became a bit addicted. I need them ALL!!! You can find all kinds on Etsy. I got the above Valentine’s Day Mug Topper from CraftyMama321.

Reading: a lot last month. I actually read 11 books in January, which was more than I thought. I have a lot of book reviews coming your way! February is a shorter month, but there are tons of books I want to get to, so we’ll see how well I do.

Remembering: that I can eat healthy and lose weight if I really put my mind to it. I finally visited a Gastro last month and I had to do no lactose for two weeks. It helped somewhat, but not completely, which I wasn’t surprised by. I already figured that certain dairy products (like ice cream and milk) upset my stomach more than others. I was supposed to then do two weeks of no gluten if that didn’t alleviate all of my symptoms. I was doing well with no gluten before the pandemic, but 2020 kind of caused me to fall off the rails.

photo source

I was diagnosed with IBS in middle school, which is why I finally saw a Gastro doctor. I figured I’d have to eliminate most gluten and dairy, but I also wanted to make sure I really had IBS and it wasn’t just a last ditch diagnosis years ago. I was tested for Celiac and it was negative, so I think I just have a sensitivity to gluten. At any rate, I haven’t started my no gluten yet because my family got Covid and I’ve mostly been eating what I can/what we have available. I do plan on starting that soon though and seeing how it goes. I gained weight last year, and I just haven’t felt great, so I really need to focus on being healthier! Wish me luck.

Sharing: Last week I shared my Happy Valentine’s Day, Bookworms! post which was a lot of fun to put together. People seem to be enjoying it, so go check it out and grab some bookish gifts for your valentine, galentine, or yourself! I am already planning a Happy Easter, Bookworm! post so look out for that soon.

Wishlisting: So. Many. Things. The hazard of being online a lot (for work, etc.) is that I’m always finding really awesome things to add to my wish list. I’m also trying to keep better track of all the books that I want to buy/read this year, as you can see on my Amazon wish list.


Whew, I did not mean for this post to get so long, but I guess it was more of a monthly update than my usual Currently posts!

I hope you are all staying healthy and safe! Please share any gluten free recipes or food options; and if you have good ways of eating veggies (when you hate veggies), let me know! I’m like a child, I swear.


40 responses to “Currently: Singing Those Covid Blues…

  1. Ugh I’m sorry friend. One of the veterinarians I work with is currently awaiting a Covid test, so of course all of us who work with her are waiting as well.

    Feel better soon my friend.

  2. I am sorry to hear your whole family caught covid. Hopefully you all recover quickly!! I know so many people who have had it now. It really is making its rounds. 2020 was definitely a year of struggle to stay on the healthy train the whole year. I started out strong, but fell way down the hole the last 2 months of the year…and now I am trying to get back.

  3. So sorry to hear. My boyfriend got his second dose of the vaccine yesterday, and he’s staying home today because he’s got body aches, fever, etc. I hope you get well soon!

  4. I’m sorry you all got covid! Hopefully you’ll all recover soon. I really like those mug toppers! I could use those for some of my photos!

  5. Oh momma: I’m so sorry to hear you all have Covid and I’m thinking about you and wishing you a speedy recovery ❤️ Glad your grandpa is feeling better too. So scary, especially for our elders.

    Also I had no idea what a mug topper is. It’s so cute!!

  6. Oh no! Sorry to hear you and your family have gotten sick, and I hope you are all feeling better soon.

    Could those mug toppers be any cuter?! And I am looking for a few Valentine’s goodies since there won’t be any getting together with friends, so I’ll have to check out your roundup 🙂

  7. I’m glad you aren’t MORE sick, but any level of sick is just miserable. I’m with you on the GI stuff- they ruled out gluten insensitivity for me (YAY). I do think some dairy upsets my stomach and that sucks because I LOVE ice cream. So much. Haha!

    Sara recently posted: Book Review: Widowish
  8. So sorry to hear that you and the rest of your family are sick with COVID. It’s wild how the symptoms vary from person to person. Not just the intensity but the range of symptoms. I hope you’re all on the mend and that your grandfather is out of the hospital very soon.

  9. Joanne

    I’ve heard the same thing; most people I know that tested positive were so surprised thinking they just had an allergy flare up or a bad cold. Hope you and your whole family are on the mend soon!! Great job on your January reading. I’m struggling to reach my 10 books a month goal; I just can not seem to read more than 8 or 9.

  10. Oh no, I hope you get to feeling better soon! And your family as well. I got a lot of reading done in January too–it was a good month!

  11. It sucks that you call have covid but I hope you all feel better before too long… I’ll be so happy when covid has faded into the background. Fingers crossed that with the vaccines getting tolled out that it’s sooner than later!

  12. I hope your whole family recovers from Covid, as quickly and completely as possible. I did not dare check out your Amazon wishlist, as I am trying to go this month without ordering anything from A, and I can tell you 5 days in and I’m struggling. Off to check out your bookish Valentine post. Happy February!

  13. You’ve got this! I battled COVID December 28-January9th and it left me pretty ravaged until early last week. Go slow.
    Those mug toppers are adorable! I also was diagnosed with IBS but it turns out it was just sensitivity as I was tested after the nineties the second time around LOL! I hope you can get some healing.

  14. Jen

    Oh, I am so sorry! I am glad your Grandpa is doing better. I just got the first vaccine shot yesterday. Hoping you all get better and kick it to the curb soon!

  15. I’m so sorry you and your family are going through this right now. My parents were both admitted to the hospital last year because of their oxygen levels, and it was nerve-wracking not knowing how their bodies were going to handle having COVID. I will definitely keep you and yours in my thoughts. <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ?

    Lindsi recently posted: State of the ARC [28]
  16. Lauren, I want you to know you’re not alone with those challenging GI troubles. I went years with problems that never had a concrete diagnosis or solution. I did learn that stress played/plays a significant role in my completely debilitating stomach problems. (Like getting out of the car and writhing in a parking lot! Not my best memories.) So–it’s helpful that I at least KNOW that. And I hear you on the dairy–I can do yogurt, butter, and many cheeses, but not fluid milk or regular ice cream. It’s such a process. I wish you the very best with yours!

  17. ugh, so sorry you’re dealing with COVID! I hope your family gets through it okay and doesn’t have any long term after effects. I hope your grandpa is able to get out of the hospital and back to as much normal as possible soon. I love your instagram photo with the mug and the book! I own too many mugs even though I don’t drink coffee, and these days I’m hot all the time so I rarely even drink hot chocolate.

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #5
  18. San

    Damn Lauren, so sorry to hear that you and some family members have Covid. That’s scary and I do hope you all recovery fully + quickly.

    Gut issues suck and I do hope you figure out what is triggering yours. I’ve been dealing with heartburn and off and feel like I am left to figure this out myself as my doctor just wants to prescribe PPIs, which I don’t want to be on (and I don’t think I have high, but low acid… but that’s a story for another day).

    Hope you’re doing ok!

  19. Oh no, I am so sorry that you and your family got sick! Sending love and good vibes to all of you, especially your grandpa, I hope he is on the mend! And wishing you lots of luck while you try to figure out what is going on with your stomach issues, that is incredibly frustrating!

  20. I really love mug toppers, too! I got some mini ones for V-Day. Oh no! I am SO sorry to hear your entire family got Covid. We have avoided it so far, but my kids are in person school and my daughter is doing in person dance team, so I just hope it stays away for us and I hope my older parents can get the vaccine soon. Our state is really behind on vaccines! My children and I have asthma, so that part worries me the most. I hope you feel better soon and your grandpa comes home soon.


  21. verushka

    Omg Lauren!! I’ve been leaving comments back to front and just saw this now: how are you and your family??? I hope they are all on their way to recovery!!

  22. Jen

    Sending all the hugs your way! I’m so sorry you and your family are sick with COVID. I hope you guys all get better ASAP and the symptoms go away asap, hugs hugs hugs! Also I had NO clue mug toppers were a thing….I wondered how the top of your mug was so pretty *smacks forehead* lol! I’m off to ETSY to check them out, thank you for the links!

    Jen recently posted: Monthly Wrap-Up: January

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