The lovely Anna from Herding Cats & Burning Soup is hosting a Mini Blog Ahead starting on Saturday, March 24 and ending on Saturday, April 7th. That’s a full two weeks to try and write and schedule as many blog posts as you can so you have a little bit of a cushion for your blog.
Mini Blog Ahead: Spend the next couple weeks writing & scheduling blog posts! #ontheblog #bloggers Share on XYou guys…I have nothing scheduled for my blog. That’s right – NOTHING! I have got to get on it. It doesn’t help that I’ve actually read a lot of books that I just haven’t written reviews for and scheduled. That’s one thing I know I’ll be focusing on these next two weeks. I’d also like to get some other fun things scheduled out, like a discussion post or two. We’ll see!
Anything you’d like to see me write about?
Also – if you’ve missed my last couple posts, I do recommend checking them out. There’s my movie review for Love, Simon and my Author Event Recap with Mackenzi Lee (she wrote Bygone Badass Broads and A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue).
You sound like me! My kids have been sick all week, so I haven’t been around! I haven’t really had time to read either. Wah wah.
Do You Dog-ear?
This is always on my to-do list and yet I rarely get around to scheduling posts ahead of time. With lots of holidays coming up, it makes sense and I need to get to it.
I love the idea of an outside nudge to schedule more items. I try to do that for certain topics and anniversaries, but it’s hard to keep up! Thanks for the heads-up about the mini blog ahead!
I would love to get ahead on blog posts but it just never happens! lol
I wish I could get ideas to blog ahead, but it happens very rarely. I always love the things you talk about because they’re all different and really interesting too! Hugs…RO
Sounds like a great idea. One of my goals this year was to get more organized with my blogging, scheduling etc. but so far I’ve failed miserably at that! Life just gets in my way!
Good luck my friend! I did this over the summer and it has been quite handy.
What a great idea! I will have to check this out! Thanks for sharing!
This is a great idea! I could definitely use this!
I feel the same way! With four snowstorms this month (meaning snow days for the kids) and illnesses, I have fallen behind and need to catch up!
I usually only write a day ahead unless I’m going to be busy / away!
Such a great idea, I’m almost never ahead on posts. I should really work on that because we’ll be traveling a bit this summer and it would be good to have a cushion like you said!
I only have ONE blog post scheduled, which is making me feel slightly panicky since I like to divide my time between blogging and commenting daily, so I’ll probably end up cramming the next ones. T_T
I need to try to do this. I have lots of ideas for posts but I haven’t taken the time to write them. I want to have more frequent posts than I have had as of late. This may be the best way for me to go about it.
What a good idea, it’s always such a good feeling to get a bit ahead of schedule.
Oh man. If I make it through this week blogging I’l be happy lol
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
I love this idea! I might join in because I need to get ahead!
Sounds like a good idea. It’s so stressfree and relaxing if you are plan ahead.
I wrote what moves me. I sometimes plan ahead but not likely.
I still have a small cushion, so that helps. Some weeks I do great and write a bunch of posts and others a falter. I need to get built up before summer hits or I will be in trouble.
I have been horrible about blogging ahead as well. I need to just sit down and start cracking away at it so that I have some reviews stocked up on my blog for emergencies.
I totally don’t have my act together and I am usually writing the blog post for the next day the day before it is due. Not good if some crisis were to happen!! I just can’t seem to find more time in my day, though! I used to be such an organized person, too… I am not sure what happened to that person!
Good luck with this challenge. I can’t seem to blog ahead. I will get one or two posts done and then promptly use them. These events always seem to fall during busy times that don’t really work for me but I love the idea behind them.
Yes! We have posts planned but not many written yet! That is definitely going to be a goal for us in the coming months. Love having a cushion in case life gets in the way. 🙂
I’m so bad about scheduling posts ahead of time. Sigh.
Oh my goodness, I sooo need to do this! I am *the worst* at scheduling posts/blogging ahead. As in, I never do it. LOL I’m forever scrambling at the last minute to get a post done. I am so going to sign up for this!
This is so me! Just this week I’ve written ahead of schedule though. It sure is relaxing to have things done in advance! Hopefully, I can keep it up!
I’ve been trying more and more to do this again and I really do like it much better than scrambling each week to get something up.
I don’t think I read fast enough to blog ahead unfortunately 🙁 I just post as I go, unless I am away for a while. Hope you can catch up on your reviews!
I so need to do the review thing. I have like 10 of them that are read and just sitting there staring at me like what now?! That’s my big goal, too. Best of luck this next two weeks!
The only blog post I have in drafts at any given time is my book post. I have used up all the pre-drafted post ideas I had and haven’t had time to get any new ones started. I am so far behind on reading and commenting too. Ugh.
I need to do a ‘blog ahead’ soon. My last scheduled post went up today but I work this weekend so no time to get ahead. I’ll be burning the midnight oil to get my posts out this coming week.
I only have reviews written well in advance, because I write them as soon as possible after finishing the book. I usually bust out my full week of posts on Saturday and Sunday, because I have zero time to blog during the week. Good luck.
Good luck! I have a hard time scheduling posts ahead of time. I’m sure you will think of some awesome ideas to post on your blog!
Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging, eh? That’s how it’s been for me. I have some drafts but have not sat down to edit and publish. Shame on me. I will read your review of the movie Love, Simon. Have a great weekend, Lauren <3
I’m also in a blog ahead frenze right now because… Camp NaNoWrimo! Let’s see… what would I like you to write about? What about some spring recommendations? Good luck!
Ooh I can do spring recommendations! That’s a fun idea.
I’ve been struggling with posts this year too Lauren, I think I’m posting every two weeks or so and as soon as I’ve written my review, I’m having to post it straight away because I currently have no other content. I’d love to see more life of a book blogger posts. I’m a nosy parker but also love seeing what other hobbies besides reading and blogging others share, like your journalling. You’re so incredibly creative and I would love to see more of your stunning work! <3
Aw, thanks Kelly! I’m glad you like those other non-bookish posts, because they are really fun to share! I’ll have to add more.
Good luck with the Blog Ahead!
I’m taking part too as I really REALLY need to get some posts banked. I tend to post when I have time and this week I’ve managed a pathetic one post outside of a weekly recap…
I need to go check that out as I am terrible about getting ahead on blogging! I used to write my posts out over the weekend and just finish up the night before, but now I pretty much write them all the night before!
I’m about to sit down and schedule posts for the upcoming week! I have never done it before. I’m hoping to write a new publication to release in June, so I need the time to create!
I just started a new blog and I am working on this myself for April. I am four posts in, I have a lot of networking to do, so if I can just focus on that in April that would be great!
This is the first time I’ve done the Blog Ahead challenge and I’m really looking forward to having all of those pre-scheduled posts!
I think it’s sometimes a bit freeing to have nothing scheduled. Then I start to panic about what I’m going to post and decide it’s not worth it haha. Have you considered joining in memes like Top Ten Tuesday or Book Beginnings?
Cora |
I’ve done Top Ten Tuesday before, and I am thinking of trying to fit in a few of those again! They are fun.
This is such a great idea! It’s also a little intimidating – I’m terrible at scheduling posts ahead of time – but will be a good challenge to push me and hopefully make me a little more proactive. 🙂