Monthly Favorites: October 2019

Posted October 28, 2019 by shooting in Discussion / 30 Comments

I always love when bloggers do monthly favorites post, so I figured I would do one for October! If you have your own, feel free to leave a link in the comments. I’d love to check it out.

October Favorites: a song, a TV show, and a movie - what's on your monthly favorites list? #ontheblog #octoberfavorites Share on X

October Favorites

“Lose You To Love Me” by Selena Gomez

I’ve always been a fan of Selena Gomez, and I was so excited to hear her latest song. Obviously it’s about Justin Bieber, but it’s so good. It’s raw and emotional and the video is just as awesome. I love that while the world at large knows the origins behind the lyrics, it can also be related to a lot of other people and their circumstances. So good – listen to it now if you haven’t already!

Fleabag: Season 1 and 2

Oh my god, this show is amazing. You can find it on Amazon Prime if you still need to watch it. It’s a British TV show starring Phoebe Waller-Bridge (who just won tons of Emmy’s – deservedly!) and sadly, it’s just the two seasons. But they are amazing and I highly recommend it. I love the humor, but also the heart and how it touches on so many aspects of the “human condition” if you will. Phoebe is just amazing, as are her lovely co-stars. I particularly loved season 2 as it stars Andrew Scott (aka Moriarty from the BBC Sherlock). He’s an amazing actor, and there are so many heart-tugging moments between him and Phoebe’s character.

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

Earlier in the month my sister and I had our annual Halloween Movie Night with friends. A friend recommended Tucker & Dale vs. Evil as our second film of the evening, and it was such a great choice. We watched it via Netflix, so I don’t know if it’s available anywhere else. It’s definitely gory, but in a mostly over-the-top way. It’s a bit of a hard movie to explain, but basically, it had everyone laughing out loud – many, many times. Not your typical horror movie fare, but worth it!

So tell me: are any of my monthly favorites things you’ve enjoyed too? Do you have your own October favorites?

30 responses to “Monthly Favorites: October 2019

  1. I keep hearing lots about Fleabag but haven’t seen it yet.
    At the moment I’m watching Grand Hotel (so good!), Veronica Mars and a South African drama which started last night called Trackers. Based on a book by South African Author Deon Meyer. Cannot wait to watch the rest of last nights episode this evening.

    Anthea recently posted: Quick check in!
  2. I love Selena Gomez! I have not heard her new song yet.
    My favourite shows now are all British – truly. They just have a different air about them. Very entertaining and hilarious might I add! I haven’t heard about this one yet and it sounds good!

  3. Hi Lauren, Selena Gomez has really matured and I adore her music. She is soooo beautiful as well. I’ll be checking out her new song.
    I’ve heard so much about Fleabag!! I don’t have Amazon Prime though—I’m missing out πŸ˜›
    I love the idea of a horror movie marathon! My Beau doesn’t watch horror movies so I’m usually on my own with those and I’m quite selective. Ha!! Nice to see what your favorites are for October.

    lisa thomson recently posted: Life Lately
  4. Jen

    Dang, these are good! I now have some really good shows to watch.Thank you for sharing. Going to Listen to the Selena song now πŸ™‚

  5. Fleabag is SO good! I haven’t finished the whole series yet but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve watched so far. I have to catch up on it!

  6. I’ve heard so many good things about Fleabag. Usually when there’s take much hype I assume it’s on HBO or something. I didn’t know it was on Amazon Prime! I might have to check it out!

  7. I’ve heard so much about Fleabag I think it’s about time to give it a try. I have to admit, that Daniel Craig wanted PWB to do some rewrites on a bond script makes her and the show all more interesting.

  8. I keep hearing about Fleabag, I need to watch that! I don’t even know what my favorites are for this month. I just finished a great book, The Dearly Beloved, so I guess that would be my favorite read this month!

  9. I haven’t watched or listened to these! This isn’t really a favourite but there is a music channel on YouTube that I love and they release a new playlist every month that I always look forward to. They’re called alexrainbirdmusic and I love their indie/folk playlists because they are so soft and they let me do blogging without getting in the way. I am actually listening to one now haha πŸ™‚ My favourite movie of October was Rocketman and I have a post about it going live in about half an hour! It was your post on it that made me go and get it, actually πŸ™‚

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