Spring 2020 TBR: Using the Alphabet

Posted March 17, 2020 by shooting in Discussion / 29 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Happy Tuesday, everyone- and St. Patrick’s Day! Today’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is your Spring 2020 TBR. Normally when I do these, I’m just sharing books I’d LIKE to read, but I rarely ever do. However, I’ve been doing the Read the Alphabet challenge this year and each month has different letters (you read books that start with that letter), so I thought I’d use that as my Spring TBR. I’m utilizing this challenge to – mostly – read books that I already own, so these are the ones I hope to get to this Spring!

Spring 2020 TBR, using the Read the Alphabet Challenge #springtbr #bookbloggers Click To Tweet

Top 10 Tuesday: My Read the Alphabet Spring 2020 TBR!

I have other options for some of the letters, but these are the books that I’m going to try and start with each month. Surprisingly, I have a couple other options for the letter “I” – I didn’t think I’d have that many!

April – GH

God Save the Queen by Kate Locke – Goodreads 

Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz – Goodreads 

The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx- Goodreads 

Happyface by Stephen Emond – Goodreads 

May- IJ

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling – Goodreads 

Is It Just Me? by Miranda Hart- Goodreads

Jackaby by William Ritter – Goodreads 

June- KL

Surprisingly, I can’t currently find a book on my shelves that starts with the letter K. However, if I can find the time to read Before the Devil Breaks You, then I’d like to read The King of Crows, the last in the Diviners series by Libba Bray.

Life With a Sprinkle of Glitter by Louise Pentland – Goodreads 

Have you read any of these books? Are there any on your wish list or TBR?

29 responses to “Spring 2020 TBR: Using the Alphabet

  1. What sounds like a great challenge … and an amazing way opportunity to work your way (mainly) through the books that you already own. I personally would also probably use it as motivation to re-read some of the books dwelling on our shelves.

    Loving your G to L choices, none of which I have read or have on my TBR pile though there are several I’d love to add having seen this wonderfully eclectic selection.

    Felicity Grace Terry recently posted: MILLY'S MARVELLOUS MISTAKES.
  2. I enjoyed all of Mindy’s books on audio. It was like she was a friend riding in the car with me, telling me stories. I loved that.

  3. I read Jackaby back in he day. I liked it , and really need to pick that series up again. I was looking to read more from Moskowitz. I will be awaiting your verdict on her book

  4. I read the Mindy Kailing book and it’s pretty good! I hadn’t heard of a lot of these but they sound like great reads to check out, especially while not much else is going on!

  5. I was aiming to participate in fewer reading challenges this year, but what with all that is going on and social distancing and working from home through May, maybe I will join! I actually already have two on my Spring TBR that fir the bill! I really enjoyed that Mindy Kaling book- hope you do too!

    Dani recently posted: Spring 2020 TBR
  6. Jen

    I found several I totally want to read. I am loading up mu kindle these days and turning off the TV. Thanks for sharing what you are reading. Your lists are recommendations are always fab!

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