2019 Spring Bucket List: One Month Update

Posted April 22, 2019 by shooting in Personal / 21 Comments

Spring Bucket List

It’s already time for the first 2019 Spring Bucket List update…and I’m not doing that great! Granted, I only have six items on the list so you know, I still have two more months to fit in the rest!

2019 Spring Bucket List - one month update #ontheblog #springbucketlist Click To Tweet

2019 Spring Bucket List: Update #1

One: Print London photos for my scrapbook

Yes! I finally did this. Plus, I have some Project Life items so I can finally get started on my scrapbook.

Two: Write at least 15k words in my WIP

Ugh, no, and I really need to work on this. I’ve been a bit captivated by some book series lately and it’s taking up all my free time. LOL

Three: Visit The Root Beer Stand

Not yet, but I just mentioned this the other day. Hopefully sometime in May. April has been pretty busy.

Four: Go the Drive-In Movies

Again – I have not done this yet. I am keeping track of the movies each weekend, and hopefully I can go soon!

Five: Plan My Birthday Party

I’m working on this one, so it’s about a half. I know it’s Harry Potter themed, and I almost have a date figured out, so that’s good!

Six: Write/Schedule all my London and New York trip posts

Nope! Again, this is something I really need to work on. Once I’m not reading constantly, I really need to focus on scheduling blog posts.

So really, I’m at about 1 1/2 out of 6, which isn’t terrible for one month in, but hopefully I’ll have more to add in my next update!

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21 responses to “2019 Spring Bucket List: One Month Update

  1. Some of those are more late spring activities so you’ll probably nail these better as spring progresses. A good start. Look forward to your thoughts on the Rootbeer Stand. Fun HP party theme!

  2. A Harry Potter themed birthday party sounds perfect for you!! I’ve planned some of my own birthday bashes before and I always have fun! I love stuff like that. There is a drive in that I think is in Illinois, so a tiny bit of a drive, but I should look into it for this summer for something to do with the kiddos.


  3. I didn’t make an actual spring bucket list, but I’m still thinking I should…haha! Your birthday party sounds like it’ll be fun!

  4. LOL I’m kind of glad I didn’t make a spring bucket list this year because I think I’d be even less than 1 1/2! It’s partly the weather’s fault though, we are only just starting to get decent spring weather finally. Thankfully there is loads of time to enjoy spring yet!

  5. Well, keep working at it, and you will get there. Going to the drive and the rootbeer stand should be easy to do as they both sound so fun!

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