I asked people across social media, including my non-online friends, about the weirdest place they have ever found themselves reading a book. Granted, most of us book readers didn’t really think these were weird…but probably a bit strange for non-readers. I got so many replies that I had to break this post into two – check out part 2 next week!
Weirdest Place to Read a Book Part 1: What would your answer be? #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on XWeirdest Place You’ve Read a Book: Part 1
In line at an amusement park: https://itsareadingthing.org/
Sneakily at work on my phone: http://www.betweenmylines.com/
Under my desk (at school), Under my desk (at home), In someone else’s bathroom during a party, In a supermarket/grocery store, In a theatre (during a play)…https://twitter.com/whispy_witch
Well…that would be sitting on the edge of the bathtub in a hotel room. It was during a move and I really wanted to finish my book when it was time for lights out – https://twitter.com/HauntedOrchid
Sailing shack at summer camp- https://twitter.com/anythingnovel
In my closet while playing hide and seek lol- https://twitter.com/apintsizedlife
In the bathroom lol- https://twitter.com/xbookwormcafex
In an empty bathtub in Aruba during a storm.- https://twitter.com/booksbythedozen
So hard since anywhere is a place to read so doesn’t seem weird. lol At the emergency vet I guess would be different? Or the food pantry. – http://www.herdingcats-burningsoup.com/
I always have a book on my phone so I can read just about anywhere. Probably the weirdest is on an elevator.- http://vivismessykitchen.com/
Reading wise? Not sure. I don’t think any place is weird to read. – https://adancewithbooks.wordpress.com/
In line at a hockey fan event. I had to wait nearly 3 hours to meet a player (fan favorite that was retiring), so I downloaded the Kindle app on my phone and continued the book I was reading. Yep, I downloaded the app while I was in line.- http://www.crystalblogsbooks.com/
My husband is a personal trainer and assures me I am very weird for reading between sets at the gym. I dunno. Weird place to read seems like an oxymoron to me. Anywhere is a great place to read! – Author Denise Jaden https://www.denisejaden.com/
Wow! These are some really good ones! I read books just about anywhere, including the bathroom, parties, church(when I was a kid-lol), doctor’s office, buses, trains, planes, standing in a long line while waiting for a gift card. The list goes on(lol) Great topic Lauren! Hugs…RO
This reminds me of my son, who always has a book with him. He will read anywhere!
in the bathroom while pretending that I am doing #2 and constipated..lol
I don’t think I’ve read a book anywhere interesting!
I agree with those people who say nowhere is too weird to read!! 🙂
I love these responses! I don’t know that I’ve read a book anywhere too strange. I guess there was the time I was having a mole removed on my back and I read it while they worked on it, lol.
I can’t really read outside of my house so I don’t have a fun answer for that. I have read in my closet once so I could finish a book that was killing me!!!! with the light on and not wake up my husband.
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
I’m so with the people who said they’d read anywhere! That’s me too. I think the weirdest place I’ve read is at a superbowl party (nerd-alert!). This was fun to read!
I love this! I always get teased for reading while I am brushing my teeth!
I love this! Mine would have been on the back of my horse, sitting backwards. Haha! That’s how I used to read all the time when I was a child/teenager.
I keep books on my phone for this reason! For me its the line at the post office!
?Omg, this is so awesome! And you are right, us readers don’t find any place weird to read because we read everywhere!? I hope you have a wonderful day, Lauren. ? xoxo
What a fun question! I agree with some who said you can read anywhere so there are o weird places. LOL If I’m someplace where carrying a book isn’t possible, I’ll often read on my phone. Waiting rooms, theaters (before events start), courthouse (waiting for jury duty). I’ll read anywhere! 🙂
These are fun! I don’t know if I have any weird reading places, but I used to have a friend that read while walking all the time, which always amazed me.
This is great! I try to read wherever I can 🙂
Sneaky reading! I think I’ve done that a few times when it was REALLY slow, though that is rarely the case. I might say my weirdest reading spot is anywhere that isn’t my usual, like the bathroom or during lectures… uh, I hope my professors don’t get ahold of this comment, XD.
This was interesting! I think apart from sneaky reading! I did a spot of reading on the mountains between skiing down them!
I agree with those that say no place is weird for reading! LOL
The kindle app on my phone is the best, because it allows me to read at family functions. Everyone is always looking at their phones, so why not?
There are definitely places I wouldn’t think to read…like the gym. But, I love how much everyone loves to read everywhere!
I can honestly say that I don’t think I’ve ever read a book in a strange or interesting place before!
I used to kick back in the pet cemetery and read while my horse and goat grazed (alive). It was part of the stables where I boarded my horses and was really nice and peaceful, and it had a large unused grassy area where I let the above-mentioned graze.
Hehehehe. Some of these are hilarious. I’ve sneakily read a romance novel at work and honestly I was so distracted the whole time because I kept expecting someone to walk by. I gave up eventually LOL.
Have a wonderful day! =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
In line at an amusement park: Yep! (It’s good time management!)
Sneakily at work/school/Courses on my phone: Yep! (Sometimes you’ve just got to know what happens next when break ends!)
In fact, swap out some minor details on most of these and it’s a yep! lol
Oh my gosh, all of these are great & some I’ve actually done. But, to me, there is no weird place to read. Although, I will say that I MAY have read my book from my Kindle app at work. 😉
Hahaha these answers are so great – but I have to agree with one here, nowhere is too weird to read 😉
I have a Kindle, but I think there is a Kindle app for the phone. I should get that. I bet I’d get a lot more reading done that way.
Really interesting responses reading in a bathtub during a storm seems like a great place to read a thriller
Haha! With technology we can read books most anywhere nowadays we just have to be careful to not drop it in water 🙂
What a fun post, lol. I don’t know if it counts as truly weird or not, but last night I read a few chapters of my book during my son’s soccer practice.
Fun post! I brought my kindle to my daughter’s awards ceremony yesterday and read for most of the program. I read pretty much anywhere.
Very fun and thought-provoking. Trying to remember where the weirdest place would be that I have read a book. I am going to go with at a baseball game. Should have been watching my husband play ball. But the book was soooo good!
Fun answers! I can’t come up with anything right now… I’m not sure I’ve read at a weird place. I’m sooo boring XD
an empty bathtub in Aruba during a storm is definitely the mist unique I ever heard LOL I read in elevators too 🙂
I LOVE these!!
These are all so fun! I’ve totally read under my desk at school too.
[…] Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book, Part 1 […]