Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book, Part 1

Posted May 9, 2018 by shooting in Discussion / 37 Comments

I asked people across social media, including my non-online friends, about the weirdest place they have ever found themselves reading a book. Granted, most of us book readers didn’t really think these were weird…but probably a bit strange for non-readers. I got so many replies that I had to break this post into two – check out part 2 next week!

Weirdest Place to Read a Book Part 1: What would your answer be? #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on X

Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book: Part 1

In line at an amusement park:

Sneakily at work on my phone:

Under my desk (at school), Under my desk (at home), In someone else’s bathroom during a party, In a supermarket/grocery store, In a theatre (during a play)…

Well…that would be sitting on the edge of the bathtub in a hotel room. It was during a move and I really wanted to finish my book when it was time for lights out –

Sailing shack at summer camp-

In my closet while playing hide and seek lol-

In the bathroom lol-

In an empty bathtub in Aruba during a storm.-

So hard since anywhere is a place to read so doesn’t seem weird. lol At the emergency vet I guess would be different? Or the food pantry. –

I always have a book on my phone so I can read just about anywhere. Probably the weirdest is on an elevator.-

Reading wise? Not sure. I don’t think any place is weird to read. –

In line at a hockey fan event. I had to wait nearly 3 hours to meet a player (fan favorite that was retiring), so I downloaded the Kindle app on my phone and continued the book I was reading. Yep, I downloaded the app while I was in line.-

My husband is a personal trainer and assures me I am very weird for reading between sets at the gym. I dunno. Weird place to read seems like an oxymoron to me. Anywhere is a great place to read! – Author Denise Jaden

37 responses to “Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book, Part 1

  1. RO

    Wow! These are some really good ones! I read books just about anywhere, including the bathroom, parties, church(when I was a kid-lol), doctor’s office, buses, trains, planes, standing in a long line while waiting for a gift card. The list goes on(lol) Great topic Lauren! Hugs…RO

  2. I love these responses! I don’t know that I’ve read a book anywhere too strange. I guess there was the time I was having a mole removed on my back and I read it while they worked on it, lol.

  3. I’m so with the people who said they’d read anywhere! That’s me too. I think the weirdest place I’ve read is at a superbowl party (nerd-alert!). This was fun to read!

  4. I love this! Mine would have been on the back of my horse, sitting backwards. Haha! That’s how I used to read all the time when I was a child/teenager.

  5. Neely Moldovan

    I keep books on my phone for this reason! For me its the line at the post office!

  6. What a fun question! I agree with some who said you can read anywhere so there are o weird places. LOL If I’m someplace where carrying a book isn’t possible, I’ll often read on my phone. Waiting rooms, theaters (before events start), courthouse (waiting for jury duty). I’ll read anywhere! 🙂

  7. I used to kick back in the pet cemetery and read while my horse and goat grazed (alive). It was part of the stables where I boarded my horses and was really nice and peaceful, and it had a large unused grassy area where I let the above-mentioned graze.

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  8. Oh my gosh, all of these are great & some I’ve actually done. But, to me, there is no weird place to read. Although, I will say that I MAY have read my book from my Kindle app at work. 😉

  9. Jen

    Haha! With technology we can read books most anywhere nowadays we just have to be careful to not drop it in water 🙂

  10. Very fun and thought-provoking. Trying to remember where the weirdest place would be that I have read a book. I am going to go with at a baseball game. Should have been watching my husband play ball. But the book was soooo good!

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