Weirdest Place You’ve Bought a Book

Posted May 23, 2018 by shooting in Discussion / 41 Comments

Now that I’ve shared Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book, Part 1 and 2, I’m here to fill you in on some weird places people have bought books! For me? I’d say the “weirdest” would be the Dollar Tree and Ebay (and if you read this whole post, you’ll see I’m not the only one to get a book from Ebaby).

Where's the weirdest place you've bought a book? Check out what others had to say #ontheblog #bookbloggers Share on X

What about you?

Weirdest Place You’ve Bought a Book

Yard sale:Β

Book dispensing machine at airport:Β

Bought? Train station in Paris I guess. Or ebay. Bought a mystery box on there and it’s definitely a weird place. Lol –Β

The weirdest place I’ve bought a book is the airport and that’s not weird at all –Β

Bought? In a garden center. And it was not about gardening.-Β

At a casino gift shop in Laughlin, Nevada-Β

There is an amazing used bookstore in Salem that has piles of old books everywhere! It fits the aesthetic of that town perfectly! –Β

Sam’s club? I’m not sure where the weirdest place I’ve bought a book. But I know I got one at Sams.- Courtney

Traders World lol – Hannah

I purchased a book in the last truck stop in Scotland before the English border. – Michelle

At a Perkins restaurant. It was a super racist kids book with the word “negro”in the title. I had to buy it and throw it out. – Sara fromΒ


Previous posts in this “series” include Weirdest Place You’ve Read a Book Part 1 and Part 2.

41 responses to “Weirdest Place You’ve Bought a Book

  1. Haha I think I’m pretty boring because all my books are bought online or in a regular bookstore. I once bought books in a bookstore in Maastricht, Netherlands though, and the bookstore was made inside an old church which was gorgeous. Not weird maybe, but still really nice πŸ˜‰

  2. Interesting to read people’s answers! I don’t think I have any really weird stories…I’ve bought a book in an airport and from a dollar store before…and of course from thrift stores, those are some of my favorite places to buy books!

  3. What a fun post!! I have definitely purchased books at the airport because I forgot to bring reading material with me for my travels. Love these posts (though my goodnessβ€”the last comment!! So glad Sara purchased that book just to throw it out!)

  4. I’ve never seen a book dispensing machine- how cool! Love the gardening store and Perkins hahaha! I’ve been to that bookstore and purchased a book in that used bookstore in Salem! Love that place!

  5. This is so fun! I can’t think of the strangest place I’ve ever bought a book! I bought a coloring book at a Disc Golf course once, does that count? LOL

  6. This was interesting! I love the story about the Perkins book she bought just to get rid of. I don’t think I’ve bought a book anywhere weird, but I do love finding them for super cheap at garage sales!

  7. This is a fun post! I once bought books from our school library (when I was in high school). They were on interior design and really outdated (from decades ago – think the Brady Bunch home). Anyway the Librarian sold me the entire set and I was thrilled with my bargain!

    Still no idea why!

  8. Sara’s answer was the best! I can’t really say I’ve ever bought a book at an unusual place, but I do think it’s odd that Lowe’s has kids’ books!

  9. Interesting answers! I think the weirdest for me might be thrift shops or antique stores, which isn’t weird I suppose, but you never know what you’re gonna find in those places!

    Greg recently posted: Menagerie
  10. I might have bought a book from eBay before… I’ve definitely bought now-out of print books from my childhood before, but I can’t remember if I got them from eBay or Amazon…

  11. What a great post. I don’t think I really get books from any unusual places, to be honest. I tend to buy them at a shop and a few ebay ones for those I can’t seem to find anywhere. I did get lucky and get a couple of used books on Amazon which were signed, which was lucky. One of those was a personalised signed book, though, which made me feel weird because that person got rid of a book which was personalised for them, I don’t think I could ever do that. Even if I didn’t enjoy the book.

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