Behind the Bookstagram: Read With Chai’s Tips for Photographing Books in the Snow

Posted March 21, 2021 by shooting in Discussion / 15 Comments

Welcome to another edition of Behind the Bookstagram! Today I have Sarah from Read With Chai, and she will be giving you some tips for taking photos in the snow!

Behind the Bookstagram: Read With Chai’s Tips for Taking Photos in the Snow

Winter is not fun when you have to deal with the cold, shovel your driveways, and bundle up in the snow. However, it makes for a beautiful picturesque backdrop. Mother nature in all her glory. The white snow, gray skies, and barren trees have an almost mystical look to them.

That may be one of the reasons why you’ll see influencers start using it as a background or setting for their content. In this article, I will share some tips I use behind the scenes to shoot photographs in the snow.

  1. Bundle up
    You never know what angle you’re going to like or how deep into the snow you’re going to dig to get that perfect shot. So make sure you’re prepared with the right shoes and clothes. You might also have to spend more time than anticipated, so being comfortable and well-equipped is important.
  2. Use a prop
    I prefer not to place my books directly in snow since it is messy and watery. I try to come up with a prop before I take my photo – basket, board, table or cloth. I usually use things I already have around the house, so it’s all about perspective. Use your imagination and you will be amazed.
  3. Surroundings are important
    The sight of a book in white snow may be attractive, but it can also appear uninteresting. Be sure to capture the shot in a way that the surrounding elements blend with the snow. I always try to find an angle in which my book(s), snow, or trees in the background appear in the shot. This gives your photos a lot more depth and personality.
  4. Winter edits
    If you edit your photos (who doesn’t?) be sure to use the right tones and exposure. It might seem easy to work on a white canvas, but it’s not – it’s important to ensure your photo has the right warmth and tonality when there is a lot of white. On most photo editing apps, you should be able to adjust the cold and warm slider to a more blue color with ease. Play with it a little so it’s to your liking and uniquely yours.
  5. Light Source
    Obviously, you should always take your photographs when there is sufficient daylight and/or the ideal light source. As captivating as night time photography can be, it may not be for beginners. Personally, I like daytime photos, they have a unique beauty that cannot be compared to or replaced by other settings.

Enjoy the process and that’s what gives you the best results, as cliché as that sounds! Happy shooting!

Sarah Saeed is an IT Project Lead based out of the San Francisco Bay Area. Her goal is to bring light and awareness to Diverse and Own voice authors focusing on South Asians. Reading is not just a hobby to Sarah, but something that has been a part of her life since early childhood. She believes the right story can inspire, engage, and educate, and she tries to communicate this through her book reviews and articles. You can follow her on Instagram @readwithchai

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15 responses to “Behind the Bookstagram: Read With Chai’s Tips for Photographing Books in the Snow

  1. Jen

    Oooh pretty! We have no snow here like that. If we did…. it might be the end of the world- haha! 🙂 I liked your set-up and props!

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