Currently (April 2020) + Local Tourist (March 2020)

Posted April 1, 2020 by shooting in Personal / 36 Comments

Linking up with Anne for Currently and Kristen for What’s New With You

Happy April, everyone! I know the world’s circumstances haven’t really changed but I’m still pretty happy that it’s a new month. March was just way too long! Today’s post is going to be a mish-mash of things, so enjoy!

Currently: April 2020

I will try not to make all of my answers Covid-19 related, though essentially they are all affected by the virus.

Sharing: my Spring 2020 bucket list. It’s a bit different than years past, but these are still all things I hope to do this Spring! What’s on your bucket list?

Writing: as many blog posts as I can! I have a random assortment written already that I need to schedule, but I’m trying to blog ahead as much as I can since I’m pretty much stuck at home. I also want to get back to writing my novel!

Wishing: Okay, this is my one Covid-19 answer. I’m wishing that people would follow the rules and social distance as much as they can so that we can get on top of this thing before more and more people are hospitalized and die. I’m also wishing that some sort of cure can be found that will help save many lives, sooner than later.

Investigating: arts and crafts kits on Etsy. There are a lot that are aimed toward kids, but they still look fun. With the public libraries being closed, that means I don’t have any fun library craft events to attend so I figured I might make my own crafternoons – maybe get some of these fun kits and do one each Saturday or something? Here are some that I’ve found that might be enjoyable-

DIY Easter Magnets 

Wood Slice Painting – Panda

Mini DIY String Art Kit

What do you think? Do you know of any other art kits you can buy online?

Buying: Well, I’m not really buying much. I do plan on buying some arts and crafts kits like I mentioned above. I’ve gifted some books to online friends to spread joy. This is still ongoing if you want to grant a wish to someone!

Local Tourist: March 2020

Local Tourist is a monthly link-up co-hosted by Dara from Not in Jersey, where we share the local adventures we went on the previous month!

It seems like things started to really shut down about halfway through March, so there isn’t a whole lot I can add for Local Tourist. However, on Saturday, March 7, I had a day with my mom and sister that I thought I’d share.


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My mom and I attended a library craft event where we made these Easter wreaths. Since we live together, we decided to just make one so that everybody in the class could have a wreath – there was one lady who didn’t sign up, and this way she got a wreath. It was fun to make though, and I think it turned out really well. It’s currently hanging up in the living room!

After the library event, my mom and I picked up my sister and we went to The Melting Pot to celebrate my mom’s birthday. We love The Melting Pot (it’s a fondue place, FYI) and we hadn’t been in quite awhile – since before I stopped eating gluten. They have gluten-free options, so that was lovely! It was a really fun, relaxing meal, and I highly recommend the restaurant if you have one near you!!

If you have your own Local Tourist post – from March or even older – link up with us below!

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36 responses to “Currently (April 2020) + Local Tourist (March 2020)

  1. I have a great purchase to recommend for you–it’s book AND craft! PAPER PATTERN PLAY (Lotta Jansdotter) & Kids Paper Love (a Flow book). There were in my ‘sharing’ category today, and I think you’d love them! Incredibly good buys for what you get. Crazy good buys, actually. You’d have lots of material for Saturday crafternoons, for sure!

    • Oh wow, those art and craft kits brought back a lot of nostalgia. Going out for fondue sounds like so much fun! Good thing you could do that before everything closed down.

  2. I love that panda craft kit! So adorable! I did a Spring To Do list also. So modified. I did start on it though yesterday by ordering Sunflower seed and potting soil. From Amazon. I don’t have an expected arrival date though. It’s okay.

  3. Cute Easter wreath! And I am right there with you and your “wishing”…that everyone would follow the rules! There always seems to be “at least one….” Ugh.

  4. I used to craft a lot as a kid, but I haven’t in years and now it sounds like the perfect cathartic activity! I think puzzles, word games, and painting sound like a great way to take a mental break and be creative. Anything to distract!

    ~Noelle, Beautygirl24

  5. Yes, I wish people would realize the longer they don’t comply with rules, the longer this goes on. I love those DIY kits! I might have to check them out!

  6. I’m wishing the same thing as you! I hope you are doing well. Thank you for all the sweet comments on my blog over the past few months. I’m trying to get caught up, and back into regularly blogging! XOXO

  7. Your “wishing” section is also mine! I just can’t understand why people are not following the guidelines laid out… I mean, do they want people to die in large numbers? Or are they so stupid that they genuinely believe it’s all a lie? Grr…

    I’m also planning on crafting. I’ve been ordering candle making bits so hopefully that’ll keep me amused for a while!

    Good luck with your April list! Before too long, we’ll hopefully be back outdoors and getting life back to normal. (I hope!!!!)

  8. I’ve been investigating kits on Etsy too! I’m hoping to do an embroidery one, and maybe find a kids’ cross-stitch one for Hendrik to do alongside me. That string art kit you found looks so great too. And yes! Wishing people would obey the shelter in place/stay at home guidelines. My husband reminds me that even if not everyone is doing it, it still makes a difference, so that helps me get a little less worked up about seeing people sometimes not doing it so well.

    Hang in there, and enjoy the home crafting/reading time!

    Anne recently posted: currently
    • shooting

      I hope you find some good kits for you and Hendrik! I’m pretty sure that string art ones I showed are pre-nailed, which is awesome. One less thing to do!

  9. I went to The Melting Pot for the first time a few years ago for my brother’s bday. It was a 4hour delicious experience. Haha! Good luck with your novel!! Great idea using this time to work on it! March was most definitely too long. Thank goodness it’s over!

    Audrey recently posted: 45 Questions (minus 35)
  10. That’s nice you were able to go out with your family before COVID hit, and yum, Melting Pot! I haven’t had that in forever. I love all those craft kits too, they look so fun–perfect time to try one of those!

  11. Those crafts look amazing. It sounds like you are using your quarantine time well. Good for you. Like you, I also wish people could follow directions. This is for the greater good, people!!! Makes me nuts

  12. The arts and crafts kits are adorable…I always did things like that with my classes and I’d make one too, so kids, adults, whatever!
    Perfect for an Easter basket!

  13. Jen

    Yes! Not buying a whole lot of anything either, but I am reading again. We are neck deep into Charlotte’s Web for my littles and Jane Eyre for the olders. Some good can come from staying home. Protect yourself and others and read good books and learn 🙂

    Stay safe!

  14. Will we ever get to The Melting Pot??? Had hoped for Valentine’s, then PC’s b’day, and then my b’day but it still hasn’t happened. So glad you guys were able to go and enjoy.

    So sweet of you to give up a wreath so someone else could make one. Your library has the best activities!!

    I made a string art cactus a few springs ago. I think you would enjoy string art. Great idea to check Etsy for kits you can do until you can return to the library for crafts classes. Try the string art!!

    Leslie Susan Clingan recently posted: The World Through My Lens, 03.2020
    • shooting

      I’ve done string art before, though I’m not the best. LOL I do want to try some of the ones I found on Etsy though. I hope you can make it to The Melting Pot once things open again!!

  15. i am with you on wishing people would follow the rules and social distance as much as they can. i keep seeing large groups of people out when i’m running and it blows my mind.

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