Summer Bucket List: A Final Update

Posted August 21, 2018 by shooting in Personal / 33 Comments

Summer Bucket List

It’s been a month since I last updated you on my Summer Bucket List, so I’m back with the final update! Granted, I still have time to do so some of these, but I think I did fairly well!

Swim at Night: Yes, a few times!
Paint All My Nails: No!! But again, I have some more time to get this finished, so *fingers crossed* I get on it.
Read Winter by Marissa Meyer: Yes, and I loved it!
Celebrate My Blogoversary: Yes, I’m doing that this month. A couple giveaways will be coming, but for now, you can see my 11 Favorite TV Shows/Movies and 11 Favorite Songs in honor of 11 years of blogging!

Summer Bucket List 2018 - a recap of what Lauren's done, and what she still hopes to do #ontheblog #summerbucketlist Share on X

This was the summer bucket list I created for this link-up, but I also made a Summer Fun from A To Z list. I’m not going to share the whole list, but the things I’ve done —

*went to library book club

*did at least one library craft event

*dance recital

*eat outside (a couple times)

*attended some Cincy area festivals

*celebrated my sister’s birthday

*saw Niall Horan and Maren Morris live – concert reviewΒ 

*saw a couple outdoor movies

*did a wine/paint night (minus the wine) with my mom

*went to one Pride event

*did lots of reading – and swimming!

*went to King’s Island Water Park a few times

*wedding planning for my friend – a bit, but I got my dress, so yay!

Whew- I think it’s been a really nice summer. Granted, I still have a month left to get in some last minute summer adventures like actually painting my nails! And maybe even doing a picnic in the park!

How has your summer been going? Let me know in the comments!Β 

Check out the other blogs on the link-up:

33 responses to “Summer Bucket List: A Final Update

  1. Wahoo! You’re so close to finishing your list!! My summer has been INSANE, but I’m quickly approaching the wedding, so things should calm down a bit after that! πŸ™‚

  2. You’ve done great! I had a few items I wanted to get done this summer and did or am in the process of it. But, I got a couple other things done that came up, too. It’s been a fast, but fun and productive summer.

  3. I love the idea of a summer bucket list! I wish I made time for more reading, but we’ve been having a rocking summer so far. It sounds like you have too!

  4. Aw, I love this idea! And you’ve done so many awesome things πŸ˜€ I think swimming at night is lots of fun, because it’s always associated with the sun so when it’s nice and cool it just has a different feel about it. Now I really want to go on a picnic, as well. I cannot remember the last time I had a picnic! I hope you get to finish your list, Lauren πŸ˜€

  5. Jen

    I am glad to hear it has been a nice summer. You did a lot of fun things, but mixed in enough of the rest and relaxation it sounds like πŸ™‚

  6. It sounds like you had a really fun summer so far! Glad that you were able to get nighttime swim in! Also a paint night (even without the wine!) sounds like a great time πŸ™‚

  7. Great job with your list! And happy blogiversary!!
    I loved Winter (and all the Lunar Chronicles)! I’m headed to King’s Island this Sept. with my brother’s work (Honda)!

  8. It definitely sounds like you got a good amount of things in this summer! (I can’t believe we’re already approaching the end of it!!) I still need to go swimming at some point!

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