{July 2021 Currently}: Travel, Walmart Clothes, and Pool Time

Posted July 7, 2021 by shooting in Discussion / 31 Comments

Happy Wednesday! It’s time for Currently with Anne at In Residence

Currently: July 2021

Eating: healthy-ish…? Honestly, I’m trying to be better about this. It’s tough when so many yummy, dessert type foods keep popping up. Tis the Summer after all! I’m trying to find a better balance though.


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Feeling: grateful that I have a pool on these hot days. I get hot really easy, so there’s no way I’m going to be spending lots of time outside in the summer if I can’t be in a pool. I know I’m lucky, believe me!

Going: to Hilton Head, South Carolina this month to see my aunt. It’ll be the first time I’ve been on a plane since the Fall of 2019, so that aspect of it will be a bit more nerve-wracking than normal (and I already don’t LOVE planes). Once there, though, it’ll be fun to just get away for a bit. It should be a mostly relaxing vacation and I could really use that right about now!

Ordering: this Flutter Sleeve Tie-Dye Blouse from Walmart. I got it in Peach Amber, and it’s really comfortable. Light and airy, which is great with this humid heat. I think I need to go back and order the Pastel Turquoise. I don’t know the last time I’ve gotten any clothes from Walmart, but I always hear they do have some good things so I’m glad I took a chance on this!

Realizing: that we’re inching closer to the middle of July. This year has really gone by fast for me. Anyone else? It also makes me realize that I need to make a dent on my Summer 2021 Bucket List, as well as all the other things I want to do before Summer ends.

What are you CURRENTLY up to? 

31 responses to “{July 2021 Currently}: Travel, Walmart Clothes, and Pool Time

  1. That first time on a plane again was weird. I hope you have an amazing and safe trip. It’s good I am not too into sweets, though I cannot resist a billion savory foods.

  2. I’ve always wanted to check out Hilton Head, I hope you have an amazing time. I’m just booking our plane tickets for our cruise in January and the thought of being on a plane again kinds of freaks me out!

  3. Isn’t it funny about summer eating? On one hand, all the fresh fruits & veggies. On the other hand–ice cream, s’mores, and fruit pies! Agh! Enjoy your visit and some R + R with your aunt–a celebration of love + normalcy.

  4. Jealous of the pool! I had so many plans to get out and walk every day this summer, and try to lose weight before my new job this fall so that I could feel good and healthy about myself. None of that happened. Oh well. That’s life I guess. Have a nice vacation! I won’t be going anywhere this summer. But hopefully next year I can get some trips in the works! I already have a book convention scheduled for July 2022, because it was canceled this year, so my tickets rolled over.

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Release Blitz Review: The Sweetest Thing (SWANK #2) by Maya Hughes
  5. I’ve definitely been trying to eat better too. Even more out of character for me, I’ve committed to working out every week. Finally time for me to start shedding some of the weight I gained during quarantine haha.

    I’m really itching to travel somewhere, and you’ve inspired me to act on that. I’m fully vaccinated and ready to get on a plane and go!

    Ethan recently posted: With Teeth by Kristen Arnett
  6. Oooh, I’m still nervous about plane rides- I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet, but hope you have a great time in Hilton Head with your aunt! This year is really flying by- I haven’t even made a summer bucket list and summer already feels half over!

    Dani recently posted: Currently / Prime Purchases
  7. Eating healthy is always a struggle for me. *sigh* Love the blouse from Walmart! So cute and looks nice and cool for summer. Hooray for the trip to Hilton Head! That’s sounds like so much fun.

  8. I’m really trying to eat better starting this week. We’re having the same problem. Now that we’re getting out a bit more all these tempting desserts and shakes are right in front of me.

    Enjoy your summer and the pool. Once our heatwave broke it’s been pretty nice out here.

    Karen @For What It’s Worth

  9. This year has flown by. I think my mind is still a little stuck in 2019, so knowing we are halfway through 2021 is disorienting. Glad you have a pool to keep cool in. I’m only a little envious. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  10. Ooh I am extra jealous of the pool right now – normally I’m a little better at handling summer, but 34 weeks pregnant is another story, ha! How lovely to be able to have more visits with family this summer, but I agree it’ll be weird to be on a plane again. It’s been soooo long for me too. Enjoy your trip though!

    Anne recently posted: currently
  11. How is it July already? It feels like summer just started and also like it is almost over. I also have so many things I still want to do.

  12. I’m still scared to go on a plane and my brother in law was rolling his eyes at me because he flies all the time. I like that shirt!

  13. So wish I “was going” to Hilton Head! It is one of our favorite vacation spots – but we have not been in several years! I really need to make some plans for that!! Hope you have a great time –

  14. Oh, enjoy Hilton Head! I would love to go back there some time. And thank you for reminding me about our summer bucket list — I need to take a look at what’s on there 🙂

  15. I fly all the time, so don’t worry Lauren! You’ll be okay. It’s more the crazy passengers you have to worry about now. Since travel restrictions have lightened up it seems like there’s a bunch more rude people out there. Poor flight attendants.

    I’ve bought several cute tops from Walmart lately, but this one is my favorite so far:


    I bought the cream color. Your top is really cute, too! Yay for finding good deals!

  16. I’d kinda love to have a pool right now–it’s been super hot lately!

    I hope you have a fun and safe to/from SC! I’ve still never been but hope to visit someday. :]

  17. I’ve flown twice in the last month and I have to say it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Hope you have a fun trip!

  18. That top is adorable! I am not good with heat either. I wilt. And melt. And turn into a puddle on the ground. Lol. Have fun on your trip! I understand the anxiety a bit though. We went to our jam packed city street fair last night (minus the little guy) and I was having some panic attacks about it. I did it though~

  19. San

    I cannot believe it’s the middle of July… this year is flying by! Also: I need a local friend with a pool ASAP. We’re hitting 111F today. UGH.

  20. That beach towel is so cute. Or pool towel, I guess!! You and Dara are the reading queens in my book!! I can’t keep up. Going to blame my old eyes.

    Good for you to be trying to eat a little healthier. Everything in moderation they say…whoever they are. We only have ice cream on Saturdays!! And it’s Saturday!!

    Leslie Susan Clingan recently posted: Currently 07.2021 & More
  21. Love that beach towel. Didn’t think there were any bookish beach towels out there. I am trying to eat more lately. I am planning to exercise more again and I need the food! Adding salads and some fruit to your meal always helps me feel healthier (:

  22. Jen

    When it is so hot, water really makes a difference. I love that we have access to so many for our family. Happy summering and reading 🙂

  23. RO

    Wow! That blouse looks fabulous and makes me want to order it too. What a great price, and it does look comfy. Yay for being able to head out to SC to see family. I imagine you’re thrilled, and you already know we’re looking forward to lots of pics on Instagram(lol) Yay for your pool! That sure must be coming in handy these days. Stay safe and sending lots of hugs, RO

  24. This year is going so quickly – I cannot believe how fast the months have flown. Sounds like you are having a lovely summer – enjoy your pool!

  25. RO

    Lately, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather, so cheeseburgers have taken a backseat, and I find myself eating more veggies, fruits and lemon water which I seem to be craving. What in the heck is wrong with me passing up a cheeseburger??!(lol) Hope you’re doing well! Hugs, RO

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