TBB Asks: Relationship Edition

Posted February 4, 2019 by shooting in Discussion, Personal / 24 Comments

It’s the Month of Love, and I’m here today with TBB Asks February Q&A all about Relationships! Feel free to “steal” this and share on your own blog – don’t forget to link up on The Blended Blog!

TBB Asks: Relationship Edition #ontheblog #valentinesday Share on X
  1. Who is your oldest friend/how did you meet? Well, technically, my oldest friend would be my sister so we met when I was born. However, I used to be in Girl Scouts for years and there are five of us total that still keep in touch and get together sometimes.
  2. Tell us about your circle of support. Who are your people? My mom and sister are some of my best friends, but I also have other really amazing friends that are always there for me.
  3. How did you meet your partner? I do not currently have one!
  4. How is Valentine’s Day celebrated in your home? We don’t really do much, as I’m not in a relationship. I like the idea of celebrating Galentine’s Day (February 13) because I love all the women in my life.
  5. What is your love language? The lovely Leslie helped explain the love languages on her blog, though I’d heard of them before. When it comes to showing love, I’m the one who gives gifts. I’ve always been that way. I like giving more than getting them most of the time. As for how I like to receive love? Probably a mix of words of affirmation and quality time.
  6. Do you prefer receiving flowers or chocolates? Chocolates! Flowers are nice and all, but they just die…and chocolates are something you can at least eat!
  7. What is the most meaningful gift you have ever received or have given? Like I said above, I love giving people gifts, and one of the things I’ve done a lot in the past is make scrapbooks. I gave one to a friend years ago, I’ve made two for my sister, and I even made one recently for my friend’s wedding.

Feel free to answer any of these in the comments, or share on your own blog! Happy Month of Love!!

24 responses to “TBB Asks: Relationship Edition

  1. I agree with Grace, fun and scrapbooks are wonderful! I use to scrapbook all the time and then when my girls got older I haven’t had as much time to do it anymore. I really should though, they really are gifts that keep on giving. πŸ˜‰

  2. I’m impressed with the Girl Scouts group of friends! I definitely prefer flowers over chocolate, but that’s because I don’t really like chocolate. LOL

  3. Aww, I loved reading your answers to this one, Lauren… And I absolutely LOVE that you make scrapbooks for your friends <3 What a thoughtful keepsake that is. I really enjoyed the book about Love Languages and found it so incredibly interesting that we all communicate with a different one (though like someone mentioned above, it was a bit heavy with the religious stuff). Hope you have a great week, momma! XO

  4. We got a scrapbook of pictures from our wedding as a gift from my husband’s aunt and uncle and that was a nice gift, I love that you give scrapbooks as gifts!!

  5. You great gift givers are the hardest people to buy for! That is not my love language (to give or receive) and it is so hard to pick out gifts for people. My best friend is such a great gift giver that I always feel like my gifts to her are sad in comparison. πŸ™‚ I’m going out with girlfriends this Friday, so we’re celebrating galentine’s day early!

  6. Jen

    I love that you count your sister as your oldest friend. That sounds like me, and hopefully what my girls will feel like when they are grown. For now though, little sisters tend to bug one another πŸ™‚

  7. Aw, I love so much that you have so many friends from when you were young! (And a sister you are close with, of course!) Valentine’s Day in general makes me stabby so I am probably not the best person to ask any of these questions to, as I just mope around ha. Even all my friends live super far away so it’s just… MEH. But I am so glad that you have such awesome friends and family around!

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