Currently: I’m Wearing Unicorn Ears!

Posted March 7, 2018 by shooting in Personal / 36 Comments

Today, I’m linking up with Anne at In Residence for March’s edition of Currently! Join me in the comments?

March 2018 Currently: Planning, Seeing, Making, etc. What are YOU doing? #ontheblog #currently Click To Tweet

Planning: Fun things in the coming months! I’ve mentioned it before, but I love having things to look forward to in the future – especially the near future – because it can get you through some blah days. I’m seeing X Ambassadors in April with my sister and I cannot wait. This will be my fourth time seeing them live, but they are just amazing. I highly recommend checking them out.

Seeing: A lot of my friends recently, which has been great. I saw School of Rock the musical with one (review here), I had a fun movie night with another (and she asked me to be her maid of honor and I’m STOKED!), and I went to the AMC Oscar Showcase this past Saturday with my sister and another friend (seeing could also be seeing lots of movies, since I watched five nominees in one day!) – review for Oscar Showcase here

Making: I “made” a new Facebook group for anyone and everyone that talks about books on their blog. You do not have to be a book blogger – if you post about books once a month, that counts! – because you can share non-book related posts too. I’m not terribly picky, but I’d love to have you. The idea is to comment on some blogs, but to also just check out more blogs and give them some more clicks/views because those are awesome too. You can join the group here! Please do!! And spread the word if you know of others that might be interested.

I’ve also created a couple new monthly link-ups if you’re interested in ever joining us.

Glossies Made Me Do It: I started this last year, but it’s the first Friday of every month and you share what a magazine has made you do recently (it can be as simple as being interested in something). Find my latest here.

Keep It Together: Every third Thursday of the month (the next one will be March 15th), Keep It Together is where you can share any posts related to scrapbooks, planners, Project Life, and anything else that relates to memory keeping! The last link-up can be found here.

Local Tourist: Every last weekday of the month (the next one will be Friday, March 30th) and you link up any posts that talk about things in your local area. Went to a new restaurant? Saw a play? Let us know! We want to hear about where you live! The last link-up can be found here.

Pretending: That it’s actually spring! I’ve had some nicer weather lately, but it’s getting chilly again and I hear we’re supposed to get a rain/snow mix today, so we’ll see what happens. I’m ready for some warmer weather though so I can get out of the house more. I love sitting on the front porch with my dog and just relaxing with a book. I want to enjoy as much of that as I can…before it gets too blazing hot!

Wearing: My mom and I made these Unicorn Headbands at a local library craft event recently, and I think they turned out really cute. My niece is having a unicorn themed birthday next month, so I think my mom is going to give her the one she made. I’m totally wearing mine though!

Tell me:What are you currently doing?

36 responses to “Currently: I’m Wearing Unicorn Ears!

  1. I love the idea of a local tourist link up. I am a nester, and really prefer sticking close to home for shopping and dining. Perfect for me!

  2. RO

    I love this fun pic, and appreciate that you started the blogger page too. You do so many interesting things that I’m glad you post about. Hugs…RO

  3. I was so surprised when it started flurry-ing on my way to work this morning! After yesterday reached the high 60s!! March is so confusing in this area, haha.

  4. You know how much I love unicorns, so I love your headbands! They turned out so great! How fun to be maid of honor at your friend’s wedding! That will be a blast! And I want it to be spring too!

  5. I am so sick of Winter, I am SO ready for Spring. Last week, I came to work a couple of times with no jacket, yesterday it dumped snow upon us. *sigh*

  6. Oh, my goodness. How cute are your little unicorn ears!?!? Adorable! Sounds like you’ve been a busy little bee and that you have so many exciting things happening–IRL and on the blog 🙂

    Annnnd we’re getting another foot of snow today. GAH!

  7. That little taste of spring definitely me excited so it was a bit of a shock to be scraping ice and snow off my car again this morning!

  8. What fun link ups! I’m going to share your book club with some friends that blog about books. Those unicorn headbands, super cute. I think my daughter is leaning towards a unicorn themed birthday…so I’m going to have to make those as party gifts for the girls! Thanks for linking up with us on Currently! Oh and I am so participating in your keep it together! I am going to do an older post this time, but next time I already know what I’m going to do! Now to remember to do it…off to write it down!

    • shooting

      Thanks for sharing the book group, Sarah! I appreciate it. And yes, you should totally make headbands. They are so easy to do and turn out really cute. And we’d LOVE to have you for Keep It Together!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like the sound of Keeping It Together and Local Tourist. I’ll mark my calendar and join you.

  10. That AMC movie showcase sounds so fun…what a cool idea! We also saw School of Rock, and just loved it. Really talented kids!

  11. Love seeing you branch out and do all this different stuff on your blog. Also love the picture of you and your mom with unicorn headbands. So fun. Treasure this time you have together.

  12. Oh I love your linkup ideas! Going to have to make a note to join in the local one – such a fun concept. And yay for planning things to look forward to, and for friend time. Good stuff 🙂

  13. that is def a great idea for a group, gives new blogs exposure and introduces people to other book nerds 😀
    I am currently getting ready to go to my husbands hockey game, I will be listening to an audiobook while watching 😉

  14. Sounds like you have some fun things planned! It also started to snow again today here in PA. 🙁 I am pretending it is spring as well!

  15. One of my friends absolutely adores unicorns, I may need to make her a pair of those headbands for her upcoming birthday. Ugh, good luck with the weather – I’m pretty sure it was what we just had here and it was gross. I’m so over winter.

  16. I’m pretending it’s spring too, I’m so ready for it! That’s great that you’ve been seeing a lot of friends lately too, that’s something I’m really trying to do more of this year.

  17. Yay for unicorns. My 2 year old grand is having a unicorn birthday on the 18th. I have a pic of her with a unicorn horn on my Currently Post. Love your headbands.

    Have marked my planner for Glossies and the scrapping link up. Thanks for sharing the info. And love the idea of the local tourist series. Great, great ideas.

  18. Jen

    Haha, super cute! Everyone should wear unicorn ears once a week. Keeps our sparkle on point 🙂 Also, yes spring is pretty much my fave. Keep on pretending!

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