2019 Winter Bucket List

Posted December 21, 2018 by shooting in Personal / 42 Comments

winter bucket list

Happy Winter (unless you’re somewhere like Australia, then Happy Summer)! While today is the official day of Winter, I still put 2019 Winter Bucket List on my image above because most of the Winter takes place in the new year. If you’re new to these posts, I join a group of bloggers in creating and sharing seasonal bucket lists. I added some Winter items on my Fall list, since I knew Fall went until December 20, and I also made a Holiday Activity List, so here’s the “leftover” things I hope to do this Winter.

Fall Bucket List – The Final Update

I already did one update post for my Fall Bucket List, which you can find here, but I wanted to let you know how I fared this past month! If you just want my winter bucket list…keep scrolling!

Last month, I had 6 out of 14 accomplished…let’s look back at the ones I still had to do.

Go to Serendipity 3 when I visit NYC in November: Yes, and I will definitely be writing about this, though probably not until January.

Go to WinterFest at King’s Island: Yes, I went once and it was fun. I got to decorate cookies again.

Visit the Cincinnati Zoo and see the lights: Sadly, no. I wanted to go yesterday but it was raining. I still hope to make this happen, but time is running out.

Make Christmas cookies: I didn’t make cookies (unless you count decorating them) but I DID make Christmas Crack Toffee which was amazing. I’m still counting this!

Start working on my London/Harry Potter scrapbook: Nope, but I think I’m going to adjust this for the Winter Bucket List and break it down into steps.

Watch a movie outside: I had planned to but it didn’t work out!

Paint my nails a fun Fall color (since I didn’t do this in the summer!): I’m counting this, even though it was more holiday-esque than Fall (but then again, green is a Fall color). I talk about my nails – and show off the fun color- in my latest Glossies Made Me Do It post.

I didn’t include one of my items here because it was Fall related, and since I didn’t do it then, there wasn’t a way to make it up, so my final count is…


I only missed four, and one is still something I hope to make happen, so not too shabby! Moving on to my Winter Bucket List now, but feel free to share how you did on your own Fall bucket list items in the comments!

Winter Bucket List

  1. Print out London/Harry Potter pictures and figure out if I’m doing one scrapbook or two. I think this will actually get accomplished since I’m breaking down the steps. I’m not necessarily starting the scrapbook, though I’d love to, but getting all the pictures ready to go is a big step.
  2. Go to a Cincinnati Cyclones game. This is Cincinnati’s ice hockey team and it’s one sport that I love watching in person, so I definitely need to make it to at least one game this Winter.
  3. Read 2-3 Christmas/Winter books. I have a list of Christmas-related books that I really want to read, and since I won’t get them all finished before the actual holiday, I’m just going to give myself all Winter to enjoy them.
  4. Watch Bird Box on Netflix. I love the book Bird Box and the movie version actually comes out on Netflix today, so it counts as a Winter item! Plus, I’m not always the best at watching movies and TV shows (even when I want to), so it’s a goal!
  5. Start Losing Weight Again. I’ve been fluctuating a bit, and these holiday treats are not helping, so this Winter I really need to get back on track. Dance classes will start again, but I also need to find other ways to be active (especially in the cold) and eat a lot better. I don’t have a set goal of the amount I want to lose, as long as I’m losing and feeling better again!

Alright, I’m going to leave it at 5. It’s not a lot, and I’m sure there are lots of other things I’d like to do this Winter, but I think it’s good not to over-do it too much. With 5, I will hopefully succeed at fulfilling everything, especially that last one, which can be tough.

2019 Winter Bucket List: What do you hope to do this Winter? #ontheblog #winterbucketlist Share on X

What about you? Do you have a Winter Bucket List?

Share in the comments, or do a blog post and link up below!

42 responses to “2019 Winter Bucket List

  1. Hello Lauren! Nice work on your fall bucket list. I took a short break, but am happy to be back for winter. I have not read Bird Box, but am always looking for a good book, so I’ll add it to the list and then maybe watch it on Netflix too. I can relate to the holiday weight gain. I’ve been on a sugar kick all month. It will feel good to get back to healthier eating. Merry Christmas and happy winter to you!

  2. Well, you know my favorite on your fall bucket list was meeting up at Serendipity ❤️ And you did a great job getting so many things accomplished in the fall. Would love to get more into reading this winter and will have to check out Bird Box (I haven’t heard of it!). Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a very happy holiday! Xoxo

  3. You did great with your fall list! I requested a few Christmas-related books from the library, but they haven’t come in yet, so I need to add that to my winter list as well. And an ice hockey game! We try to go to one every year. Good luck with your bucket list! Hope you have a great weekend and holiday!

  4. You did awesome with your Fall list! 10/14 is super impressive! That is far more than I got to on mine this year! I think I need to do a winter list, I get kind of blah in the winter after Christmas is over, so it would give me some things to look forward to!

  5. I haven’t really thought of anything for my winter bucket list. I definitely want to start working out more so I guess I’ll add that to my bucket list lol.

  6. I love that you do thee lists. I made a Summer one but went too big and didn’t end up completing any! I might try it again this year. We will see.
    I’d love to read the reviews of your Christmas books even if they are after Christmas. I should really read some myself.
    This winter I want to read a lot, do well in my classes, organize, and declutter.

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  7. I like the idea of creating a Winter bucket list. If one does not plan for winter activities then one may find that one has not really accomplished one’s favorite winter activities this time around. I need to create such a list. On my list would be a few Broadway plays

  8. I did get to make Christmas cookies yesterday! I didn’t think I was going to get to it! And losing weight is ALWAYS on my list LOL good luck with all yout items on your list!

  9. You did a great job with your fall bucket list and I totally agree that making Christmas Crack Toffee counts as making cookies. I made some from that recipe you shared yesterday and it’s a big hit with everyone here too. Good luck with your winter bucket list and Merry Christmas!

  10. I went to my first hockey game this past fall and LOVED it! I had to go because I’d fallen in love with the characters and books in the Pucked series. But then I love how the game was nonstop and kept my attention the whole time. I also need to work on losing weight this year. I’m going to take a step back from my part time job, and make myself use that extra time to start walking/exercising. Good luck with your bucket list!

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  11. Great list! I’ve been curious about Bird Box — seems a bit too scary for my tastes, but perhaps. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts. I’m looking forward to Frankie & Grace returning later this month for Season 5.

  12. One of the nicest things about these blog link ups is the chance to meet other bloggers! Meaning, this is my first time visiting your blog, and I much enjoyed!

    I am so intrigued by your Harry Potter scrapbooks! Are they the result of you being a massive fan, (which I totally get!) or are you making them for other people in your lives . . . enquiring minds!

    And, sigh, oh yes, I’ll be joining you on that losing weight thing. After a full month of holiday goodness, the scale is assuring me I am much in need!

  13. Decorating cookies and making toffee certainly count in my book as a big fat check mark in the baking column.
    Love the idea of making a Harry Potter scrapbook. As I type this, I am waiting for my sister to get online so we can Skype and scrap together. I am so behind on my scrapping. Have decided to heck with scrapping in chronological order and trying to catch up – just going to scrap the days and events that matter most to me.
    Funny that you mention Bird Box. I didn’t realize it was a book but have seen mention of the movie all over the place just this weekend. Looks scary. Will be anxious to hear what you thought of it.
    Me, too, on the losing weight business. Sadly, I am stress/emotional eater so while I was caring for my mom, I was soothing myself with calories. Stupid, stupid thing to do.
    Will look forward to watching your progress on your winter bucket list. I need to get mine written!! Happy new year, doll.

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